Expert answer:I need help with the following homework. I have attached the following document for CS Information Retrieval Homework Help.Please let me know if you need references for assistance, I can provide what I can.Thanks for your help. I greatly appreciate it.

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Information Retrieval
Do the following problems on the sheet and show all work.
1) Given the query : Chicago Bears founder
And the training set of documents
D1: Chicago world’s Fair
D2: Bears founder George Halas
D3: Chicago Bears lose
D4: Halas founder Chicago Bears
D5: Bears escape Chicago Zoo
D1, D3, and D5 are not relevant, while D2 and D4 are relevant.
Calculate the ci value for each term in the query and the Retrieval Status value for the
D: Chicago loves bears
2) Calculate the expected mutual information, I(U, C), for the term “win” to the news class
sports where
Twin = 1
Twin = 0
Csports= 1
Csports = 0
48, 000

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