Expert answer:submit a work proposal of 500 words within 2 days that contains: 1 Understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables 2 General overview of proposed plan – initial understanding of solution for the task-2 and task-3. 3 Resources identified. TASK – 21- In the college database lab, consider any two-computer systems as clients, and a third computer system as a server. Establish client/server connectivity between the two clients and the server. Create any database table (e.g. Table1) on server; insert records from both the clients to save in the table (Table1). Your solution must include brief explanation of the steps in establishing the client/server connectivity and the screenshots of the steps and SQL commands. Note: Screenshot should include the computer name (available on desktop) of server and the clients. TASK – 3 3a- Consider you are working as a Database Administrator (DBA) in a certain large organization. Protecting data is one of your major tasks in the day-today operations. As a DBA, discuss various steps you would take to ensure proper planning of the database instance redo logs. Your solution must include the relevant SQL commands and screenshots. The solution must be written in a maximum of 3 pages. 3b- Prepare a presentation for any one of the following topics: Security policies Authentication methods Networking solutions provided database systems. • Adequate referencing (in CU Harvard style) and citation provided • Examples can be provided if needed
Expert answer:Database Administration
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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