Solved by verified expert:Assignment 2: Dropbox AssignmentCapstone Project: Phase 2: Describing the AggregateBy Tuesday, October 17, 2017, submit a document describing your approved aggregate in detail.In Phase 2 of the project, research and describe the demographics and statistics of your aggregate. Include information about the basic vital statistics of the aggregate such as the crude birth rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, the leading causes of death, and any other relevant statistical information related to the health of the aggregate. In addition, explain how the local clinic meets, supports, and advocates for evidence-based practice (EBP). As a part of this assignment, you will need to create a questionnaire and interview at least one healthcare provider who is familiar with your selected aggregate.TipsOne of the most effective ways to obtain this information is to interview people who are familiar with and have worked with the selected aggregate, such as biostatisticians or other social and healthcare providers of the aggregate.A well-planned questionnaire with carefully developed questions can help you elicit adequate and relevant information from the interviewees.Your response should be in the form of a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document. Use relevant charts and graphs to support the information you collected. Identify the sources of your information and describe how you went about collecting the information.Cite all sources in APA format.Submission DetailsPhase 2: Describing the AggregateName your Microsoft Word document SU_NSG4075_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial_Phase2.doc.Submit your Microsoft Word document to the W2 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Tuesday, October 17, 2017.Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsSelected and described an aggregate.12Utilized and explained MAP-IT in the assessment process.8Explained how the local clinic meets, supports, and advocates for EBP.8Included demographic and statistical information of the selected aggregate.12Presented information obtained from interview of people who are familiar with the selected aggregate.8Developed a well-planned questionnaire for obtaining information from interviewee pertaining to the aggregate.8Cited at least two journal articles as references for ideas in your work.4Written components.20Total:80

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Selected Aggregate
York County, Pennsylvania
Devan Frison
Instructor: Diane Balog
South Univeristy
Name of the aggregate: York County
Geographical location: Pennsylvania, United States
Size: 2,359 km2
Population: 442,867 (2015)
The aggregate selected for this project is York County, a county located in the state of
Pennsylvania, United States. The county was founded in 1749 under the agreement by William
Penn with the American Indians. The county has a key role in the construction of the American
history. History has it that the county was in the forefront in the organization of the American
Revolution. The county was also a great source of strengths to the Union Armies whom played a
vital role during the civil war. The county is rich in agricultural resources, industrial vigor and
cultural enterprise.
Like any other county, York County undergoes challenges of population health including
drug and substance abuse. Through the human service division and the York County Nursing
Home, the county provides community centered health care aimed at improving the quality of
health of the population. The York/ADAMS Drug and Alcohol Commission works in
collaboration with communities in helping people affected by drug and substance abuse problems
in enhancing their quality of life. The commission is also founded on the moral principles of
providing the drug and substance abusers with an opportunity to reach their fullest potential.

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