Solved by verified expert:These are the 5 supplemental readings to choose from and write about.Catt, Carrie Chapman. “Address to the Congress on Women’s Suffrage”King, Martin Luther, Jr. “I Have a Dream”Jefferson, Thomas. “The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America”Lincoln, Abraham. “Gettysburg Address”Weisel, Elie. “Indifference”With this forum, you are to discuss one (1) of the “Historical American Works”: Primary and Secondary Research Developing Research Questions Identifying Keywords Finding Sources Evaluating Sources Plagiarism Using and Integrating Research. In your discussion, state the purpose of the reading and cite the thesis statement (if applicable). If there is no explicit thesis, state the reading’s claim. Then, lay out the structure of the reading to the class, and let the class know if this structure is organized and logical (you may claim that it is not organized – it’s up to you). Let the reader know how this method of organization helps or does not help the author’s purpose. Then, discuss the style of writing – does the style help the author prove his/her point? Finally, study the introduction and conclusion of your chosen reading. Explain how the author ‘hooks’ the reader in, or, conversely, if the introduction is not strong, explain why. Discuss the conclusion of the essay as well, and point out its strengths and weaknesses. Please answer these questions fully in your response (use thoughtful sentences). In your response, cite the essay at least once using an in-text citation. (See this link for a good example of how to cite an article inside of an essay: Also, create a work cited citation for the essay. This should be in MLA style.

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Forum Rubric Information
This rubric below outlines the scoring method for weekly forum posts and participation.
Basic Forum Participation
Initial post
33-38 pts (C-level)
11-30 pts (D-level)
1-10 pts (F-level)
0 points
Initial post is thoughtful,
complete, and thoroughly
addresses the assignment.
The post meets specific
assignment requirements,
including length.
Responses are timely,
substantive, and thorough.
The writing is clear and
organized. You exhibit care
and consideration in your
responses to others.
Initial post meets specific
assignment requirements,
including length. The post
addresses the topic in
adequate detail.
Initial post is incomplete
or does not address the
Responses are timely and
thorough, but may lack
complete development of
Responses are short or
perfunctory (one line
posts) and/or do not
encourage substantive
conversation, or are
argumentative or inhibit
academic discourse.
One response may be
Initial post is
missing, no
participation on
the forum. Initial
post may be
Responses are
missing, no
participation on
the forum.
Forum Extension
The above rubric details how to earn a C, or average, grade for the forum each week. In order to earn a higher grade,
students must post additional responses for more credit.
A fourth forum response that meets the above standards will earn an additional 12 points, bringing that week’s forum
grade to a B. A fifth forum response that meets the above standards will earn an additional 12 points, bringing that
week’s forum grade to an A.
10-12 pts
6-10 pts
1-5 pts
0 points
Initial post is thoughtful,
complete, and thoroughly
addresses the assignment.
The post meets specific
assignment requirements,
including length.
Initial post meets specific
assignment requirements,
including length. The post
addresses the topic in
adequate detail.
Initial post is incomplete
or does not address the
Initial post is
missing, no
participation on
the forum. Initial
post may be
Posting on Three Different Days
Students are expected to post on three different days each week. Initial posts are due by Wednesday of each week.
Replies are to be completed by Sunday. Late or single-day posts are cause for a deduction.
Initial posts that are completed after Wednesday without instructor approval lose 5 points.
In addition, if a student has three or more posts, deduct 5 points from the week’s total if a student has posted on only
two days. Deduct 10 points if a student has posted only on one day.

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