Solved by verified expert:The Requirement: Post with discussing the main subject and Answering below points with Reference.Organizations are frequently attacked by external entities. Thus, organizations with mature information security departments typically conduct port scans, as well as enumeration and password-cracking exercises on their own systems. These services, both official and unofficial, create the potential for exposure and exploit. Consider the following questions and respond to at least three from the list:Why is port scanning useful?Why would attackers scan systems and networks?Why would security analysts scan systems and networks?Why is enumeration useful?Why would security analysts use password cracking tools?In preparing your response, cite at least one source from professional or academic literature, such as articles from peer-reviewed journals and relevant textbooks. For this course, the use of Wikipedia is not considered an academic or professional reference. You should also be sure to proof-read and spell-check your responses. All sources should be formatted per APA style guidelines.
Expert answer:Discussion Forum :: System Enumeration
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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