Expert answer:DisciplineAs caregivers, it is important to develop a plan for handling disruptions. At the same time, we must be mindful of family differences and parental discipline choices. As is quoted in Berk (2013), “Although corporal punishment spans the [Socioeconomic status] SES spectrum, its frequency and harshness are elevated among less educated, economically disadvantaged parents. And consistently, parents with conflict-ridden marriages and with mental health problems (who are emotionally reactive, depressed, or aggressive) are more likely to be punitive and also to have hard-to-manage children, whose disobedience evokes more parental harshness” (pg. 492). For this discussion:Watch the videos Rita Pierson-My Mamma Said (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Parenting and Social Class (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..After watching the videos, discuss how you would handle the following scenario:One morning as children are being dropped off for childcare you notice an especially agitated mom. Her son Connor who is 4, is running around and tearing pictures off of the wall. You watch as she grabs him forcefully, screams at him and then proceeds to spank him. As he comes sobbing into the classroom and hides behind his cubby, his mom approaches you and pleads for help with how to handle him more effectively.Using information gained from Chapter 12 of your text as well as the assigned videos:What feedback would you give to this parent (keeping in mind that we must be respectful of parenting choices) and why?How could this feedback potentially have a positive effect on this child’s behavior?How would you help Connor enjoy his class time? Will you talk to him about what happened? If so, what will you say? If not, why?How can we respect cultural and social differences in discipline while still upholding the regulations of the setting in which you are working?300 words or more.