Solved by verified expert:Using Textbook Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, 16st edition, David, Fred R., and David, Forrest R. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2017. ISBN: 9780134167848Prepare in a formal report on Case 11 listed in the textbook listed below answering the assignment questions listed below. You must do a thorough analysis of the case and write up your analyses and conclusions in a narrative report format with financial analyses attached. You are to use ONLY information found in the textbook. Do NOT attempt to update the case with more recent information. Present the analyses and conclusions in a report or narrative format that discusses each topic, delineated by subject headings, and build to a conclusion. Your recommendations should include action items that the company could implement starting tomorrowYour written report should have a cover page with an honors statement provided at the bottom. 1) do not quote the authors of the text or the case unless it is necessary to make a point; 2) use tables and appendices to summarize your analyses, especially financial analyses; 3) use bullets and lists only to itemize lists, not as a substitute for complete sentences; 4) use subject headings to separate ideas Textbook:Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, 16st edition, David, Fred R., and David, Forrest R. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2017. ISBN: 9780134167848Read Case 11: Citigroup Inc., 2015, pp. 455-463, and write a report that fully and thoroughly answers the following:What trends are driving change in the banking and securities industry?Describe the nature of competition in the industry. What factors are increasing rivalry in the industry? How strong are each of the competitors? Develop and discuss a CPM.Develop and discuss a SWOT analysis for Citicorp.Develop a financial analysis and discuss Citicorp’s financial situation.Draw conclusions about Citicorp’s overall strategic situation, both internal and external. Discuss and support any recommendations you think Citicorp should make to its strategy or implementation.