Solved by verified expert:I want someone help me to create a Group
Presentation the Topic “Computer Networking Devices”1-
Introduction 2- Each type of
Computer Networking Devices should include a Definition, advantages and
disadvantages, what to use it for
and how! 3-Photo and videos
for Each type. 4- ConclusionType of
Computer Networking DevicesModem.Hub.Switch.NIC.Repeater.Bridge.Router.Gateway.
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This will be 20% of your over all grade
I expect that all students spend enough time to do research on the topic
and present in best shape they can.
Dress to impress in the presentation.
Neat PowerPoint slides (Number, Title page…etc
Speak clearly and make sure your voice get to the last person in the class.
Provide facts, knowledge and be comfortable with topic
Provide recommendations if needed
Be prepare to answer questions
Each person have about 10 minutes
Each group will have total of ¾ students
Work as group
Resolve conflicts if they are any
Peer evaluation template for each student need to be complete it.
Enjoy the experience and build your network
Computer Networking Devices
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