Expert answer:You have been assigned to complete a community needs assessment for a neighborhood in Little Havana with a population of approximately 3,000. You find out most of the people who live in the area mostly speak Spanish and do not understand English. The average family income is $18,000, and 85% of the population is living below the poverty level. Half of the population receive some form of aid such as Medicaid or Medicare. There are many elderly in the community. You are not fluent in speaking Spanish; however, you can understand some Spanish but not as much as you would like to. There are several local clinics and a hospital nearby.How would you begin to assess this community (think about factors such as sexual behaviors, alternative health pratices, level of eduation. and health incidence).What assets are present in this community that might assist with problem solving?What interventions could be taken to better serve this community?included at lest three references.
Expert answer:Havana Needs Assessment
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Science | 0 comments
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