Solved by verified expert:Specific Instructions for the Term Paper: (*Please see term paper outline attached)1.
Include a title page for your own paper. This includes the “Running
Head” in the page header, the title of your paper, and your name. If you
don’t know how to edit a header in Word, Google for instructions on how
to edit a header in the version of Word you are using and follow the
instructions. Also add the university and class info as well as the date
authoring the paper.Write
a 150-250 word abstract for your the paper (on p. 2 of the Term Paper).
The abstract should be a brief summary of your paper.Next you need a Table of contents page.Next
you will start the paper. The 4-6 page starts counting from this page.
All prior pages are pages for “metadata” information about the paper –
and not part of the body of the paper.For
each major section of the paper, you will need to add sub-headings. You
may need as many subheading as needed, but each section must have a
minimum of three sub-headings. Be sure to be descriptive in your
sub-heading names, so that the content following the subheading is
info on the body of the paper: Write the introductory paragraphs of
your term paper (following the table of contents page) underneath the
title of your paper. The introductory paragraphs should be at least one
page long. These paragraphs should provide the reader with an overview
of what you are covering. Your full 4-6 page term paper is due at the
end of Week 7. In addition to the 4-6 pages of the paper itself, you
must include a title page (abstract and table of contents pages) and a
references page. Your title page must include the title of your paper,
the date, the name of this course, your name, and your instructor’s
name, as well as the university info and the date paper was written.Your
paper must be on a computer related crime which can be solved by using
computer forensics. You must detail the procedures used in discovering
and investigating the evidence. Discuss the case, the investigation
process, data recovery,
securing the evidence and chain of custody. Remember to explain the
types of software you would use to complete the case. You may use the
cases noted in the book for guidance or may use one of your own.The
last section of your paper is the list of references in APA Style
format. Name the header “References” then list the references in
alphabetical order of the authors’ last name. Include a minimum of 3-5
outside sources cited and referenced in the paper. Your references page
must be written in APA citation style..
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Term Paper Outline
Term Paper Outline
Thesis Statement;Computer hacking is a detrimental crime, but it can be solved through
the application of computer forensics (Zhengchuan, Qing and Chenghong, 2013). Using the
computer or the computer systems without the authority from the authorized personnel is
considered as a criminal offense.
A: Introduction
Computer hacking is one of the computer crimes that is affecting most of the
The use of computer forensics can aid in dealing with the problem of computer hacking.
B: Computer Hacking
One of the most common computer-related crimes is hacking which entails access to the
computer systems and information by the unauthorized personnel.
C: Reasons as to Why Computer Hacking is Viewed as a Criminal Activity.
Computer hacking becomes a criminal activity when the individual using the computer
has a negative intention and adverse motives.
D: Laws and Regulations
It is illegal for an individual to access the computer and they systems of another
organization without authorization.
E:Illegal Hacking
Illegal hacking entails the computer-related actions that break the set laws and
Some of the factors that motivate people to engage in unlawful piracy include; the
interest in obtaining information and the curiosity to access the confidential information
of an organization (Hackett,2017).
F: The use of Computer Forensics in Curbing Computer Hacking
Forensic investigations are embraced in uncovering evidence and analyzing it to
get a thorough understanding of the crime and identify the factors that trigger the
committing of a particular crime.
Computer forensics is denoted as the use of analysis techniques to gather evidence
regarding a particular computer crime or a computing device (Bassett, Bass and
O’Brien, 2006).
Bassett, R., Bass, L., & O’Brien, P. (2006). Computer Forensics: An Essential Ingredient for
Cyber Security. Journal of Information Science & Technology, 3(1), 22-32.
EVERYONE. Fortune, 176(1), 60-67.
Shein, E. (2017). Hacker-Proof Coding: Software verification helps find the faults, preventing
hacks. Communications of The ACM, 60(8), 12-14. doi:10.1145/3105423
Zhengchuan, x., Qing, h., &Chenghong, Z. (2013). Why Computer Talents Become Computer
Hackers. Communications of The ACM, 56(4), 64-74. doi:10.1145/2436256.2436272
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