Solved by verified expert:In 100-150 words, describe your reaction to the universe that showing you the earth, moon, the other plants, galaxy and beyond . By “reaction”, I mean thoughts, feelings, and perspectives it may have given you. Was there something significant you learned from it? (To the edge of the universe and everything in between) = A live, narrated journey from earth to the cosmic background radiation. Stops along the way include current, topical space, science and news explorations.
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acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles,
as from study or inves7ga7on
capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding,
and similar forms of mental ac7vity; ap7tude in
grasping truths, rela7onships, facts, meanings
knowledge of what is true or right
coupled with just judgment as to ac7on
an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially
through intui7ve understanding. Psychology: an understanding
of rela7onships that sheds light on or helps solve a problem
From last time:
Weekly reading, syllabus, attendance
Classroom dynamic: no electronics,
interactive, respect, curiosity
Geology = just about all of nature
World is dynamic, changing – today. We
need to better understand it
Note taker needed:
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providing this service you will be compensated for your service.
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click on any of the DRC Connect links on the page and select “sign
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