Expert answer:Editting my paper please give extra paragraph about “invented a new method of forensics that does not depend on DNA sequences” be specific, give details and support your theory change the all references and use pubmed only, be sure to use references that were in the past two years only please be sure to talk about human please talk about ” Teeth as a source of DNA for forensic identification of human remains”
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Non-DNA Technology in Forensic Science
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) characterization or typing for criminal investigation is
an example of forensic extension; it is an extension from typing of proteins coded in DNA.
Ideally, the technology offers solutions or rather recommendations for resolving crucial
matter regarding DNA information. However, forensic technology is necessarily not based
on DNA characterization only, but a legal method based on non-DNA typing is under the
invention. Interestingly, this paper seeks to describe forensics, molecular biology for
identification and an imagination based on non-DNA application.
What is Forensics and How Does It Work?
In Latin, forensic represents a debate or a public discussion. In a modern context,
however, the latter applies to courts and judicial systems (Saferstein, 2015). Therefore,
forensics combined with science results in the application of scientific methods to solve
crimes. Forensic science tends to draw information from various disciplines, including
chemistry, physics, and biology (Saferstein, 2015). In fact, the primary focus is on
identification, recognition, and evaluation of evidence. The use of forensic science is
essential to the judicial system today, that is, the latter uses a broader scientific spectrum in
achieving information that is relevant to legal and criminal evidence. Consequently, forensics
may prove the perpetrator of a crime, the existence of an evil and finally crime connections
(Saferstein, 2015). Forensic hence use the following; physical evidence examination, test
administration, data interpretation and testimony from a forensic scientist to identify
conducted crimes.
The Molecular Biology Point of View and How to Apply it to Identification
Molecular biology is a significant area in biology concerned with gene transcription
process to yield RNA. Since time in memorial, most biologists have used molecular biology
knowledge to identify, isolate and manipulate cell components including, the DNA, RNA,
and proteins (Rapley and Whitehouse, 2015). Currently, the molecular technology is used in
the identification and diagnosis of parasitic infections. According to Rapley and Whitehouse
(2015), Parasitology involves a regular determination in the laboratory in regard to
conventional methods, for example, optical microscopy used in the identification of parasite
morphology. Today, molecular technology is increasingly used in the identification and
characterization of parasite structures. Several techniques are essential for identification; the
molecular methods used include; Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), expression cloning, gel
electrophoresis, macromolecule blotting and finally arrays (Rapley and Whitehouse, 2015).
Ideally, all the mentioned molecular techniques involve; separation, transfer, cloning and
finally copying of DNA. For instance, in arrays, DNA microarrays are included; it consists of
a collection of DNA spots which are subsequently mounted on solid surfaces to quantify
protein expressions. In addition to identification, molecular assays have assisted
comprehensively in diagnosis, epidemiological study, and treatment of parasitic disease.
Imagination on Non-DNA Method
DNA testing on crime scenes is considered conclusive. In contrast, only a few cases
are recognized controversial in identifying a suspect. Have you ever imagined of DNA wars?
Yes, some cases become critical when DNA evidence is forgotten. I conceived a situation
where a home pet deposits its fur or hair in a crime scene; a hair that can be used to associate
a criminal. Entomological evidence can be used to identify a time of a crime, that is, the type
of insect found on a date body can communicate its time of death. Evidently, the use of DNA
sample in crime investigation is not appropriate more so in a scene where a pet is involved
(Kloosterman, Sjerps and Quak, 2014).
In conclusion, forensics is an essential branch of science for judicial system; it aids in
crime investigations producing scientific evidence. Unfortunately, DNA is the dominant
material used in molecular biology for the identification of any organism under study. Even
though the information provided by DNA test is considered conclusive, in my opinion, it has
shortcomings as it assumes other animals, for example, cats. Entomological evidence can
thus be used to identify death time.
Kloosterman, A., Sjerps, M., & Quak, A. (2014). Error rates in forensic DNA analysis:
definition, numbers, impact, and communication. Forensic science international:
Genetics, 12, 77-85.
Rapley, R., & Whitehouse, D. (Eds.). (2015). Molecular biology and biotechnology. Royal
Society of Chemistry.
Saferstein, R. (2015). Forensic science: from the crime scene to the crime lab. Pearson.
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