Expert answer:1. “What is Project Management” Please respond to the following:The VP of customer service has expressed concern over a project in which you’re involved. His specific concern is that if the project is implemented as planned, he’ll have to purchase additional equipment to staff his customer service center. The cost was not taken into consideration in the project budget. The project sponsor insists that the project must go forward as originally planned or the customer will suffer. Share your opinion with us.2. “Creating the Project Charter” Please respond to the following:Many information technology project managers come from senior technical positions. What can you do to help them transition into a project management role?3. “Developing the Project Scope Statement” Please respond to the following:You are a project manager for XYZ’s garment company. You’re heading up a project to promote a new line of souvenirs to be sold at the shows. You’re getting ready to write the project management plan. What steps need to be taken in order to write the project management plan? Suggestions and recommendations required.4. “Creating the Project Schedule” Please respond to the following:Give your opinion on which graphical representation of a project schedule (e.g., Gantt or PERT) is ideal for presenting the project schedule to a company executive with no project management background, and also discuss the need of shortening project schedules. Based on what you’ve been experiencing in class so far, support your decision based on your comfort with each.
Expert answer:IT Project Management
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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