Expert answer:write 2-3 pages essay about the readings i upload. the requirements are are in the pdf i upload. I also upload another essay for this class, please do not use the same topic.add work cited page if needed.
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Wang 1
Zirui Wang
Prof. Gundry
Jpn 101
Essay #1
Nov 4 2017
The Unspoken Destiny of Japanese Women
When one looks at the essay, there is one of the things that show the role of women in the
Japanese culture. There are a lot of issues that are highlighted in the story, and one of the things
that one needs to understand the culture of the Japanese. It does not need to be necessarily
understood from the limitations of the poem but rather from the wider perspective of the Asian
culture, the oppression of women and the diversification of culture that has been taking place
over a period. The major focus of the essay is to try and create a contextualization of the Asian
culture in matters of love, family, marriage and the social underpinnings that affect the women. It
will seek to highlight the reading makes an argument about the role of women, their oppression
and their continued position as an understudy to men, even in the current society.
One of the major instances that need to be understood from the text is the opening lines is
the observation that ‘in the course of living, getting up, dawn to dusk, when she looks at odds
and ends of the old tales.’ There is a historical inclination that seeks to paint the women in a
particular perspective. It is an inclination to the traditional and unwavering view that women are
supposed to follow a particular script, and that these have been persistent for a long time. When
one looks at the Asian culture, or to be precise the Japanese culture, the role of women is at the
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family level. They are seen to playing a peripheral rather than an integral role to the men and are
seen to be in the subordination of their gender. It is this fallacy, the lack of a changing dynamism
of the plight of women that does not augur well for the women. The tales that are alluded to in
this observation is that of the role of women, and when one looks at the strides that women are
still trying to make in the Japanese culture. It is all out a need to break from a predetermined
history, a story of fate that does not seem to be any closer to coming to an end.
There is one thing that needs to be said, not just at the poem, but the ‘really being
nobody’ feeling that the poem alludes to. It is the phrase that perhaps captures the feeling among
most Asian women, and by extension, the need to paint marriage and family as the ultimate goal
and destiny of all women. It is not just the women who are made to feel nobody; it is their
contribution and their contribution, whether socially or economically that does not count in such
a patriarchal society. It implies that the women have all but given up on trying to make a point,
and this could be explained by the few women who have attained leadership positions in Japan,
and most of Asia. The only country that seems to have any tangible progress in South Korea, but
the female leader faced a lot of pressure from a determined patriarch and was deposed. The
women end up feeling ‘nobody,’ and their contribution seems to be overlooked, if not simply
What the reading raises is the old narrative, of marriage and family, of women being
limited to reproduction and social activities such as clothing industry that all serve to reinforce
their peripheral position in such a society. Could such a woman be said to have found love?
What could be the poem be alluding to when it says that the years just go by, until the feeling
becomes vague, and the women do not feel valued and honored. In such an aspect, it becomes
not a marriage of equals, but a marriage of unequal partners, who are supposedly equal.
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Consequently, the central argument is that while the reading mainly avoids the historical fallacy
of defining femininity through comparing itself to the male gender, it does not make a case as to
why femininity should be understood from the Japanese culture. It may offer a glimpse of
family, of being economically productive, but at the end of the day, there is the underlying theme
of women inequality, which is the narrative that the literature highlights, albeit not giving a
position on what is the way forward.
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