Solved by verified expert:I need a 11 page paper written in 10 days. Non Plagiarized. Can you is everything about it.Week 10: Final Project The Final Project is due by Day 7 of Week 10.The analysis should include, but is not limited to, an in-depth examination of the leader, including the following sections: Section I: Introduction (3–5 pages) The introduction will include the context within which the leader works: • A description of the leader’s organization (e.g., the organization’s mission, main stakeholders, constituents, similar organizations). Note: Do not use the actual name of the organization or identifying details. • A description of the setting (e.g., geographical, cultural, socioeconomic) and why it is relevant to the operation of the organization • Any other information about the organization or related background that you think is important to understanding the organization and the leaderSection II: Body (9–10 pages) • Write a brief profile of the leader you selected. Describe the leader’s contributions to the organization(s) o Stakeholders (e.g., “followers,” employees, other leaders, community members) o Overall community o Society, if applicable • Provide an example of a situation in which the interviewee demonstrated his or her management abilities. Then provide an example of a situation in which the interviewee demonstrated his or her leadership abilities. Finally, provide an example of where the interviewee believes he or she could have demonstrated management or leadership abilities more successfully, and why. • Provide an example of management strategies the leader used to address an organizational problem (e.g., communicating across the organization, dealing with budget crisis or shortfalls, working with community stakeholders, dealing with team conflicts) • Explain specific behaviors the leader engaged in that were appropriate and that contributed to his or her success. • Use leadership theory(ies) to explain why the behaviors described led to success. • Describe the leader’s style, and provide examples that support your assertion. • Summarize what you believe to be the leader’s strengths and weaknesses as a leader. • Identify and describe a potential or actual ethical or legal issue the leader or to a situation in which the leader was engaged. (Please be sure to ensure the confidentiality of your interview by leaving out identifying details.)Conclusion: (3 pages) • Provide recommendations to improve the leader’s effectiveness within a public or nonprofit organization. • Describe a plan of action that tells specifically how you would implement your recommendations. Explain how your plan of action is Efficient, Feasible, Ethical References should include at least eight scholarly references from academic and professional journals (other than those provided in the Learning Resources), organizational literature, and interviews with key organizational actors and experts.References:Organizational Management and Leadership Abonyi, G., & Van Slyke, D. M. (2010). Governing on the edges: Globalization of production and the challenge to public administration in the twenty-first century. Public Administration Review, 70, S33–S45. Alahmad, A. (2010). To be ethical or not to be: An international code of ethics for leadership. 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