Expert answer:Literature Review Topic: Cybersecurity’s Importance to National SecurityPlease provide a standard cover sheet with the Assignment Name, your name, date, and class.
Most research projects include a literature review to determine what knowledge exists on the subject under study and to develop the theoretical framework that will be used in the study. The literature review sets the context for the entire research project by explaining what others have found in researching the same or similar specific research questions. The literature review is written in a narrative format.
A literature review begins with an introductory paragraph in which the writer frames the research topic and its significance, and the puzzle that the researcher is addressing. To do that, the writer will summarize the major relevant arguments on the research subject, highlighting the main issues and how schools of thought might differ. If there are key terms to be defined, the writer should do that here. (1-2 pp)
The body of the literature review tells readers what others have found in their studies about your specific research question (the extent of existing knowledge on your specific research question), critiques what is right or wrong with these other studies, and discusses how the work is distinguishable from the research study you are proposing. Your review should organize material by theme or method or what makes sense for the project. This literature review should include a critical review of 4-6 appropriate articles, to include scholarly, peer-reviewed articles, material from government publications and websites, or other topic-appropriate source.
Please provide citations for the ideas of different authors. You may use parenthetical citations or footnotes. However, if you use parenthetical citations (Author Date) in the text, please use “References” format for the complete citations at the end of the assignment. (2-3 pp)
The conclusion should summarize the primary “sense of the literature”, encapsulating for the reader where the existing literature ends and your research will start as you seek to answer the question that still remains and add to the body of knowledge. (1 page)
Provide a List of References (or Bibliography if you used notes) in Turabian format. Provide complete citations for the articles and sources you used in your literature review. Please look at the attached file.
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NSEC500 – W4
Literature Review Assignment
Please provide a standard cover sheet with the Assignment Name, your name, date, and
Most research projects include a literature review to determine what knowledge exists on the
subject under study and to develop the theoretical framework that will be used in the study. The
literature review sets the context for the entire research project by explaining what others have
found in researching the same or similar specific research questions. The literature review is
written in a narrative format.
A literature review begins with an introductory paragraph in which the writer frames the
research topic and its significance, and the puzzle that the researcher is addressing. To do that,
the writer will summarize the major relevant arguments on the research subject, highlighting the
main issues and how schools of thought might differ. If there are key terms to be defined, the
writer should do that here. (1-2 pp)
The body of the literature review tells readers what others have found in their studies about
your specific research question (the extent of existing knowledge on your specific research
question), critiques what is right or wrong with these other studies, and discusses how the work
is distinguishable from the research study you are proposing. Your review should organize
material by theme or method or what makes sense for the project. This literature review should
include a critical review of 5-8 appropriate articles, to include scholarly, peer-reviewed
articles, material from government publications and websites, or other topic-appropriate
Please provide citations for the ideas of different authors. You may use parenthetical citations or
footnotes. However, if you use parenthetical citations (Author Date) in the text, please use
“References” format for the complete citations at the end of the assignment. (2-3 pp)
The conclusion should summarize the primary “sense of the literature”, encapsulating for the
reader where the existing literature ends and your research will start as you seek to answer the
question that still remains and add to the body of knowledge. (1 page)
NSEC500 – W4
Provide a List of References (or Bibliography if you used notes) in Turabian format. Provide
complete citations for the articles and sources you used in your literature review.
Use the filename (no spaces): yourlastnameW4.doc to upload this file to the HW4
Use Times New Roman Font Black 12
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