Expert answer:Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching GodWrite a well-developed and well-supported 500-word essay addressing the following question: How does Janie define love? To develop your argument, consider the following questions: Where do her expectations for love come from? Do you think she is naïve in her expectations? Consider Janie’s three marriages. Do they represent her definition of love? Does she learn anything from the successes and failures in her relationships? Explain. Use specific examples from the text to support your analysis. Be sure to support your argument with evidence from the text in the form of direct quotations and paraphrase. The format for the Writing Assignment must be double-spaced, have a maximum font size of 12, and be
in MLA format. Make sure to use MLA documentation format and include a works cited page if you use
outside sources. You are not expected to use outside sources, but if you choose to do so, ensure that you
are properly documenting those sources. From the Course Menu, you can access online library resources
and MLA information. (From the Online Library Resources page, click on Recommended Websites, then
Research and Writing Help, then Citation Help.)