Solved by verified expert:I’ve attached the guidelines to follow for the assignment. You have to have at least one sentence for each article, there is 12 articles. The paper is done already I’ve attached it to the files as well with the references. 1. Read the abstract of the article2. Make a simple declarative statement from the articles abstract: eg. Amato 2006


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Creating A Thesis Sentence
Charity Perry, Ph.D.
The Thesis Sentence
1. Read the abstract of the article
2. Make a simple declarative statement from the articles
abstract: eg. Amato 2006
One of the limitations of experimental studies on the effectiveness of premarital
education is the reliance on samples of mostly White, middle-class couples. In
contrast, although survey methods allow only weak inferences about causal
relations, representative surveys can yield important information about use and
estimated effects across a diverse population. Using a large random survey of 4
middle American states, the authors found that participation in premarital
education was associated with higher levels of satisfaction and commitment in
marriage and lower levels of conflict-and also reduced odds of divorce. These
estimated effects were robust across race, income (including among the poor),
and education levels, which suggests that participation in premarital education is
generally beneficial for a wide range of couples.
. Format the author in either of two ways as if you were writing a
For one author, using last name only…
Amato (2006) found that premarital education decreases chances of divorce and
conflict in marriages.
For two or more….
Amato, Brown, and Jones (2006) found that premarital education decreases chances of
divorce and conflict in marriages.
5. Be sure your thesis statement is clear, concise and succinct. You
should be able to tell your fact to an 8th grade student and have them
Violence in Intimate Relationships
Markeisha S Stallion
Dr. Perry
January 31, 2018
Violence that is evident in intimate relationships is a serious problem that pertains to
public health which is preventable. Violence that prevails between individuals who are an on an
intimate level often entails some physical, sexual as well as psychological harm to an individual
by the partners or even spouses that they formerly or current have. Violence can prevail
regardless of whether the partners involved are of the same sex or are heterosexual. In its
extreme form, it becomes battering, terrorizing a partner intimately or the engagement in
controlling violence that can be deemed to be coercive. The strategies that should be put in place
should be geared towards ensuring that violence is brought to a halt even before it becomes a
reality that some people have to live with.
Apart from an evaluation of the various categories of violence that can be apparent in a
relationship, healthy behaviors should be promoted between individuals who are already in a
relationship. Programs needed to teach dating skills for young people are a necessity for violence
to be prevented. The concerns that have been presented in relation to public health due to the
occurrence of violence has been owing to the various health problems that affect the mental as
well as the physical spheres of an individual which have been quite severe in review of some
scenarios that have occurred. The information that is provided to review the frequency with
which violence manifests in relationships has been to the efforts put in place by scholars from
various disciplines. The study will evaluate aspects pertaining to violence that is evident in some
relationships that are intimate.
The prevalence of violence among individuals in relationships is reported globally. The
interviews conducted involving 6000 subjects by the Department of Justice in America provided
that in a span of 12 months, 2 million Americans fall victim to the violent tendencies in
relationships. However, the occurrences are not in isolation (Johnson et al., 2015). Sometimes,
violence is meted against pregnant women. However, the rates are evident from 0.9 percent to
20.1 percent, but variations can be expected.
Demographic data evaluated in a comparative analysis of a total of 9 nations was able to
evaluate the prevalence of violence among females from the males. It indicated that women who
had at one-point experiences some assault physically or even sexually ranges between 18 to 48
percent. In marriages, the variances included 17 percent in relation to the prevalence rate in the
Dominican Republic and 75% in relation to Bangladesh (Johnson et al., 2015).
Of the murder victims who are female, 40 to 70 percent of the population is killed by
partners in varied forms of relationships. The percentages are an actual representation of violence
prevalence in Cambodia and Zambia respectively. When the vulnerable are assaulted physically
or raped, some injuries often end up being sustained. For every five men, one man is often a
victim. An evaluation of female victims indicates that 76 percent are assaulted by their partners
(Johnson et al., 2015). The measurement of the frequency at which violence is likely to occur is
quite difficult as standards have not been set in relation to prevalence measurement. Where
violence is detected by a third party for example a provider, the dynamics that might arise
between them and their patients might be quite complex.
Violence occurs across the divide irrespective of socioeconomic, religious or even the
cultural status of individuals. Violence is often perpetuated against women in comparison to
men. Babcock, Armenti, and Warford, 2017, held that adolescent girls and grown women are
susceptible be it in unions that are formal or partnerships that may be informal.
A study that was carried out in South Africa in a population that comprised of females
between 13 to 23 years, physical violence in dating had been reported. Babcock, Armenti, and
Warford, 2017, provide the evidence which avails the suggestion that most of the women who
are abused are often not passive. Mostly, strategies that aim at ensuring that they are safe
including their children are adopted.
Inaction on the part of a woman who is subjected to various callous acts may sometimes
stem from assessments that are well calculated. The assessment includes the methods that can be
efficient in ensuring that the women and her children are safe. Staying in some relationships that
incorporate some abuse is often because of the fear that is harbored by the woman of their
spouse’s retaliation (Babcock, Armenti, and Warford, 2017).
In addition, where means that can be used to support the woman and her offspring
economically are not available, the decisions to stay in unworthy relationships are common.
Sometimes, the women might be shunned by other members of the extended and immediate
families. The absence of support from such groups may prompt their perseverance (Kiesel,
Piescher and Edleson, 2016).
Researchers including Kiesel, Piescher and Edleson, (2016), were able to establish that
intimate terrorism is one of the unpleasant scenarios that could be present in a relationship. It
also often can be used to refer controlling violence that is of a coercive nature. Where a party to a
given relationship makes use of threats, isolation as well as intimidation, it leads to intimate
The various scenarios that have been reported often note that men are the perpetrators
whereas females are often at the receiving end. In the report compiled by Kiesel, Piescher and
Edleson, (2016), between partners who are male or female, the chances that the man was the
perpetrator of the inappropriate acts was 97 percent. Such a relationship can be characterized by
violence from one of the partners that is in the form control that incorporates some sadism, as
well as abuse that might be on an emotional or even psychological level.
In other situation, the woman might have excessive control that is being levied on her
economically. The exposure to a particular abuse often paves way for other variations through
which violence can manifest. The frequency of violence occurrence heralds from its severity
(Lundgren and Amin, 2015).
Where the victim is able to escape from such acts, medical services are mandated to help
them deal with trauma and their requirements often stretch to being housed in shelters (Lundgren
and Amin, 2015). Some of the victims are often subjected to violence that leaves them with some
injuries that are easily visible. Physical violence finds it motivation from the use of force against
another person so that injury, death or disability can be the outcome.
In some cases, the severity of the circumstances results in unexpected reactions from the
involved victims which includes resistance through the use of a measure of violence. Violence
carried out finds its motivation from the need to defend one’s self against intimate terrorism.
Statics indicate that 96 percent of those who resist through the application of violence tend to be
women (Lundgren and Amin, 2015).
Violence in relationships that are intimate can also involve the assault of one of the
partners sexually. This occurs where coitus takes place without consent being freely given. In
addition, the victim’s inability to give consent might be due to their intoxication. The use of
drugs or even alcohol can be on either a voluntary or in other cases, involuntary basis (Meffert et
al., 2015).
Violence can occur when the victim’s body raped. Sometimes, rape can be coupled with
force with the intention to cause the victim some injury. In addition, it can also occur when a
person has to penetrate another individual under coercion. Some conversations can be used to
issue threats or even intimidation for the victim to engage in unwanted sexual contact.
Furthermore, exposure to sexual situations that are not warranted by the victim is an act of
violence (Meffert et al., 2015).
Scholars including Meffert et al., (2015), have been able to state that where psychological
aggression is evident, various methods can be used to communicate the intended message that
include both verbal as well as methods that are nonverbal. The communication that is utilized
aims at causing some mental harm or emotional disturbances for the targeted individual. It may
utilize some aggression that is expressive. For example, the perpetrator may use disgusting titles
when addressing the victim and some other circumstances might make use of humiliation.
Furthermore, coercive control can be exerted over the victim. It entails barring them from having
access to essential resources which include money.
The interaction of the victim with members of her family or friends might be subjected to
some surveillance that is obsessive and excessive (Ouellet‐Morin et al., 2015). In other
circumstances the vulnerabilities of the victim can be exploited which include their disability or
even status of immigration. Moreover, some information based on lies can be provided to the
victim in the perpetrators hope that it will nurture some doubts in the victim pertaining to their
memory as well as perception.
Scholars including Ouellet‐Morin et al., (2015), have been able to detail that couple
violence can also be based on situations. In other words, it might be an occurrence that is quite
common. The main culprit is an argument that the parents may engage in causing one of them to
lash out.
Both genders are often guilty in indulging in violence that is situational. Where there are
conflicts, the situation in most cases takes the form that presents some difficulty for the partners
to control. However, the resultant scenario is rarely a threat to the life of one of the partners
(Ouellet‐Morin et al., 2015).
The research that was conducted by Taylor and Mumford, (2016), proved that the parties
who are affected often experience some dysfunctional physical health. In some case, some
individuals might be adversely affected psychologically. Situations in which violence is the norm
can be quite stressful.
Stressful environments often pave way for a variety of health issues that end up becoming
chronic. The damage that might be visible physically on the victims injures that can be seen on
the abdomen and around the throat. Where the severity of the violence is extreme, broken bones
or the loss of teeth can be expected. In addition, some of the bodily senses may be impaired
which include sight are even hearing (Taylor and Mumford, 2016).
Doctors have been able to come up with studies that provide evidence towards the end
that some of the ailments that the victims suffer from violence present some diagnostic
difficulties (Taylor and Mumford, 2016). This includes chronic pain, fibromyalgia and various
symptoms that are gastrointestinal. When a woman is battered or treated in a manner that is not
appropriate for human beings, depression might creep in. They might even become more
anxious. Moreover, the tendency to become suicidal is increased.
Abused partners may develop behaviors that can be quite disruptive as well as harmful to
their health. Such behavior might include the abuse of different types of drugs or even alcohol.
Moreover, disorders pertaining to food intake or the hours that an individual can be able to sleep
become easily noticeable. In addition, physical inactivity can be anticipated (Ulibarri et al.,
2015). The person subjected to mental disturbances owing to the violence prevalent in
relationships becomes a consideration in relation to their epidemiologic exposure.
Ulibarri et al., (2015), explains that exposure of children to various forms of violence has
an effect that is adverse. Children are more likely to become depressed and become highly
anxious. In addition, their performance in school might be drastically affected and the health
outcomes that can be anticipated from them may be negative.
The situations may go out of hand to the extent that not only will the woman be subjected
to physical or mental harm her children may also be abused. The children might become exposed
to poor upbringing which places them at the risk of heightened mortality. The society is
negatively affected because its members fail to engage in activities that are productive.
Moreover, children lost to death are a loss to society (Ulibarri et al., 2015).
Wasarhaley et al., (2017), assert that four levels can be used for the occurrence of
violence to be well understood. The levels include the individual perspective, relationship,
community as well as factors that pertain to the surrounding community. At a level that is
personal, there are a number of factors that might pave way for violence to take place. These
include the partner’s young age or an education that is inadequate.
Exposure to variations of violence in a person’s childhood increases the changes that the
situation will reoccur when they mature and get into relationships (Wasarhaley et al., 2017).
Furthermore, intoxication often leads to a scenario in which a person will not be able to use their
mental faculties in the appropriate manner. This can lead to increased irritability which in most
cases is quelled by acting out violently.
Where an individual is experiencing some disorders with their personality, violence is
among the repercussions that can be expected. Where the man led to believe that it is acceptable
to harm his partner, chances are high that sine unpleasant situations are likely to unfold in any
relationships that are formed (Wasarhaley et al., 2017). Moreover, if a person’s history indicates
that he was involved with some partners who were abusive, then the scenario is most likely to
become repetitive.
Some of the factors that apply to the likelihood that a man might perform some violent
acts may apply to the woman in the sense that, she may become more receptive being treated
with brute force (O’Brien et al., 2016). These include the exposure to parental violence,
inadequate education and sexual harassment including assault in the woman’s childhood. In
addition, where the woman accepts that she should be subjected to some form of violent acts,
then it’s a possibility that their partners will play such a role dutifully.
Researchers including O’Brien et al., (2016), explain that some of the factors that are at
play in relationships make women to be vulnerable to victimization where the men assume the
role of the perpetrators. Conflict or any form of dissatisfaction can provide the impetus for
violence. In addition, where the man is the dominant figure in his involvement with his family, it
provides the necessary ground for participation in uncouth acts for some individuals.
Stresses which are brought about by financial strain are among the factors that pertain to
relationships that have to be considered (O’Brien et al., 2016). Furthermore, educational
disparities which involve a woman who is well educated being attached to a man who has an
insufficient education level can spur violent tendencies. In most cases, the woman is often in the
receiving end.
Cunradi, Todd, and Mair, (2015), postulates that some of the community factors that
would need to be evaluated include social norms that purport that females in comparison to their
counterparts who are male are not equal. Violence can also be spurred by poverty and a low
status that is attached to females both socially as well as economically. In addition, the
regulations that have been put in place are quite lenient.
Sanctions which are quite weak against the perpetrators of violence enable them to repeat
their crimes with increased severity (Cunradi, Todd and Mair, 2015). Furthermore, inadequate
civil rights which cater to the plight of women in relation to inequitable marriage as well as
divorce laws provide a haven for those who would like to engage in violence against their
partners. Some cases have pointed to societies which accept violence as among the many ways
that can be resorted to when conflicts emerge. In places where crime rates and violence is high,
then a similar situation is likely to permeate relationships that are personal.
Scholars such as Cunradi, Todd and Mair, (2015), have been able to develop reviews
which contain proposals of the methods that can be used to curb the occurrence of assault. This
includes the co-operation of various societal sectors in order to respond as well as prevent the
perpetuation of violence against people who can be found in various societies. Moreover,
interventions which are available at a level of which individuals can be able to easily access
should be availed. Assault against an individual often counts as a violation of the various rights
that they are entitled to. The measures that can be adopted can be used to ensure that the
psychosocial issue is prevented from happening through the policies that are introduced both in
the social context as well as in the education that is offered to members who are able to make up
a society.
Various frameworks that pertain to the prosecution of individuals involved in assault
offenses have to be implemented. Furthermore, reforms are also required in the frameworks that
can be used in cases of a civil nature (Theobald et al., 2016). The public needs to be educated on
the forms of assault that are prevalent which require drastic action.
Public education can invol …
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