Solved by verified expert:that’s some problem for multiple regression, one-way anova, two-way anova, and do excel for this. and i upload the file.

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Exam #3 – “Outside of Ulearn” portion
1. Multiple Regression: Email each of the following:
(1) Excel spreadsheet showing data and “summary output”
(2) Identify the correlation coefficient and the coefficient of
interpretation, and comment on the strength of the linear
relationship (very strong, strong, somewhat strong, not strong)
(3) Determine the regression equation
(4) Make one prediction of the dependent variable, y, by
substituting values into the independent variables, x
(5) Identify the result of the test for significance of the regression
2. One-Way Anova: Email each of the following:
(1) Excel spreadsheet showing data and Anova table
(2) Identify the test statistic and the critical value
(3) Write a conclusion to the test
Use  = .05
3. Two-Way Anova: Email each of the following:
(1) Excel spreadsheet showing data and Anova table
(2) For the test regarding the rows, identify the test statistic and the
critical value
(3) Write a conclusion to this test
(4) For the test regarding the columns, identify the test statistic and
the critical value
(5) Write a conclusion to this test
Use  = .10

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