Expert answer:Review the Week 3 readings and videos.Select one of the following for your Week 3 assignment:Option A Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you investigate the interrelationship between the entertainment media and culture. Answer the following questions:In what ways have various forms of entertainment media shaped American culture and its values?Are the social influences of entertainment media mostly positive or negative? Explain.Provide specific examples.Conclude your paper with thoughts on whether the entertainment media are a reflection of or a catalyst for societal behaviors and attitudes.Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.Option BWrite a 350- to 700-word pitch to either a movie or television producer. Your pitch will explain your idea for a new TV or movie program that is based on current market trends. You will need to research what the popular genres are in either movies or television and write your pitch with the intention of selling a story that falls in line with what is currently profitable.Include an analysis discussing how current popular entertainment trends do or do not reflect American cultural values and their influence on social behavior as well.Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.
Expert answer:Need a little help on this one
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Writing | 0 comments
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