Expert answer:Unit 6 DiscussionDiscussion TopicPlagiarism is often thought of only in the context of academic institutions, but there are many reported situations outside of the classroom where individuals use ideas from other people without giving proper credit. While in school, the consequences may be reflected in a student’s grade. Outside of school, the consequences may tarnish a professional’s reputation and potentially bring legal action. The Learning Activities included resources to help you avoid plagiarism, and this Discussion will give you an opportunity to practice those skills. For another helpful overview of plagiarism, review the TED Talks Punishable Perils of Plagiarism.Find a reliable secondary source related to your argument for change in your community or workplace. Then, choose a short passage that verifies or disputes your position. Respond to the following prompts in at least two well-developed paragraphs (not including the copied-and-pasted material from your secondary source):Describe the source you found, the process you used to find it, and why you selected it. What makes this a reliable source? Does it support or refute your argument?Paraphrase relevant information from a short passage in the source you found. Be sure to use in-text citations with any sentences paraphrasing ideas from the source, e.g., (Doe, 2013) or According to Jane Doe (2013).At the end of your post, provide a complete APA 6th Edition style references page citation for the source you found and copy/paste the original text that you paraphrased. Be sure to label clearly the part that is copied (e.g., original).MY THESES AND TOPICOn-site child care servicesThe revised version of my thesis statement is “Employers should provide an on-site child care services to employees.” During my search, I have used search terms like “on-site child care service policies”, “employer obligations to employees”, and “employees’ rights and responsibilities”. Through this approach, by limiting my search scope to a few words, I should manage to find a variety of e-books, journals, and other articles, on the internet, to obtain the right content for my thesis. By searching “employees’ rights and responsibilities” on the library online directory, I found 12,000 reading materials with the search term. However, due to the wide range of information on this materials, a step further to narrow down to specific text contents is applicable. I should do this by identifying specific texts illustrating my keywords as well as their context of use. Additionally, I can go ahead and provide specific timelines for the information that I require from the articles thus lowering down the search area.After a couple of searches, I came across an article that I considered could be helpful. The article is written and published by Kosseck, Ellen Ernst and Victor Nichol (September 1992). Its title is “The effects of onsite childcare on employee attitude and performance”. It has not been reviewed ever since therefore I consider it as my primary source. A team effort from the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at Michigan State University, Michigan State University Foundation as well as Sisters of Mercy Health Care Corporation made it possible to publish it through extensive research they conducted. A number of known and anonymous reviewers acknowledged the results. My confidence in the article is its wide and enriched research scope and the team of professionals involved to include quality and adequately revised information.On-site child care servicesReference:Kossek, E. E., & Nichol, V. (1992). The effects of on‐site child care on employee attitudes and performance. Personnel psychology, 45(3), 485-509.Galinsky, E., & Stein, P. J. (1990). The impact of human resource policies on employees: Balancing work/family life. Journal of Family Issues, 11(4), 368-383.Hayghe, H. V. (1988). Employers and child care: what roles do they play? Monthly Labor Review, 111(9), 38-44.
Expert answer:need completed by 2pm tomorrow 11/28/172
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Writing | 0 comments
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