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Reveal what social change you’d like to see social movements addressing and why
o This is purely opinion-based, but should focus on a social problem.
o By definition, social problems meet at least four criteria: caused by social
factors; harmful to society (not just a few people or a single group): threaten what
most consider an ideal, stable, and relatively functional society; and typically require
changing a social system to correct.
Then, address ONE of the following three connections and develop a response to that
objective building on what you revealed above
1. Summarize and analyze the connection between identity, social movements, and social
change as it’s presented by Hill Collins and connect this summary to the social change you’d
like to see addressed.
o There are various messages presented by Hill Collins, however, one way to organize
your summary/analysis is to focus on:
▪ how privilege may affect understandings of intersectionality (multiple
oppressed identities);
▪ how to reconceptualize identity categories to encourage inclusive analysis;
▪ a few practical ways you can facilitate social change.
2. Summarize the prevailing message Hernandez and Leong make and connect this message to
the social change you’d like to see addressed.
o You have freedom and flexibility in this objective, so make connections where you see
analysis most important and/or salient.
3. Referencing Martinez, summarize the prevailing implications of binary language systems,
analyze how rethinking these binaries could help redefine how racial inequality is constructed,
and comment on how minimizing binary language might help address social change you’d like
to see addressed.
o There are several ways summarize Martinez’s messages and uncover the implications
of binary language systems. One way to do this is to look at the historical foundation
of language (as presented by Martinez), and then provide your own suggestions for
ways to construct and use concepts to bring about more awareness, equality, or utility.
Then, connect that to social change you see.
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