Expert answer:Describe differences with regard to assessing the central versus peripheral nervous system. In other words let’s say you are a country doctor and do not have access to modern tests such as MRI, CT, etc. You basically have some simple tools including a reflex hammer, pinwheel, tongue depressor, cotton balls, and opthalmoscope. What tests would you perform to tell whether your patient has a central versus peripheral nervous system problem? Explain your rationale. Grading Rubric: Post must be at least 200 words. Must contain an overview of the anatomy of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Must include the gross function of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Post must include at least 2 tests each for the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems. Each test must include a detailed description, such as how the test is performed, normal and abnormal findings. Must include a rationale for determining whether a problem is located in the central or peripheral nervous system. *Cite references in APA format
Expert answer:Nervous System Discussion 200 words post
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Science | 0 comments
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