Expert answer:Answer ONE of the following (indicate which number you’ve selected): 1. One of the critiques of incarcerating females is the severe restrictions of their reproductive freedom. Specifically, incarcerated females cannot choose who the baby goes to and/or where (i.e., in prison or not). Do you support that loosing reproductive freedoms is part of the punishment or should female inmates retain some fundamental rights while incarcerated? 2. Recently, a lot of attention has been given to the case of Cyntoia Brown (see attached link for news story: Briefly, Cyntoia is a sex-trafficking victim who is charged with life in prison for killing a man who paid to have sex with her. State your argument if you agreed the public outrage concerning this case or if you disagree and think the punishment is fitting of the crime. Make sure to use the materials discussed in class so far. Requirements: Posts must be a minimum of 300 words. Students are expected to use proper grammar and abide by APA standard when applicable. A word count needs to be included at the end of the posts. Due by: 12/02 (11:59 pm).
Expert answer:No Plagiarism
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