Solved by verified expert:Based on your learning team discussion this week, create a presentation that is 5 to 10 slides (with speaker notes) based on the following scenario.You work for an organization with about 300 employees. You are in charge of tool selection and procurement for office software. You research options and come to a decision that you will recommend Office365™ rather than standard copies of Office 2013 for your organization. You must convince the organization’s leaders that this is the best option.Cover all of the following topics:CostDifferences in functionality & usabilityFeatures and updatesBenefits of Cloud ComputingCloud storage options with Microsoft® OneDrive®Don’t worry about the learning team part, just do the presentation and answer the questions accurately and with references at the end.
Expert answer:Office 365 Presentation
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Business Finance | 0 comments
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