Solved by verified expert:Please answer all questions.1. A firm incurs $70,000 in interest expenses each year. If the tax rate of the firm is 30%, what is the effective after-tax interest rate expense for the firm?2. Epiphany is an all-equity firm with an estimated market value of $400,000. The firm sells $225,000 of debt and uses the proceeds to purchase outstanding equity. Compute the weight in equity and the weight in debt after the proposed financing and repurchase of equity.3. Outstanding debt of Home Depot trades with a yield to maturity of 8%. The tax rate of Home Depot is 30%. What is the effective cost of debt of Home Depot?4. SIROM Scientific Solutions has $10 million of outstanding equity and $5 million of bank debt. The bank debt costs 5% per year. The estimated equity beta is 2. If the market risk premium is 9% and the risk-free rate is 3%, compute the weighted average cost of capital if the firm’s tax rate is 30%.
Expert answer:principals of Finance
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Business Finance | 0 comments
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