Solved by verified expert:Using Netbeans to create two different unique and complete demonstrations of Porous Defenses such as Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm, Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts, and Use of a One-Way Hash without a Salt. You will demonstrate and describe how to fix each of the problems. Therefore a total of four code samples will be created. Two with Porous Defenses and two will have the issues fixed. Clear instructions: 1) one java code with Brocken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm and one fixed = two codes one with brocken or Cryptographic Algorithm and one fixed 2) One java code with Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempt and one fixed So total four codes: two with the above porous Defense and two fixed codes Just simple code do not need to be complicated.
Expert answer:Programming in Java code
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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