Solved by verified expert:Write a 700- to 1,225-word proposal to the CEO in which you include the following items (supported by course concepts and real life examples):Research two or three forecasting models, tools, and simulation models to determine the effectiveness of each, and describe how and why each will bring value to the company.Discuss how various constraints – such as information technology (IT), limited capacity, technology, and capital – affect the company’s supply chain.Analyze the expected pros and cons against the company’s current operational performance in order to propose four or five improvements to the existing supply chain.Compare the four or five proposed improvements using the Comparison Matrix provided.Evaluate how each would affect the company’s supply chain performance in the proposal. Summarize the proposed improvements that should be implemented into the company’s supply chain.
Expert answer:Proposal to the CEO
by writersseek | Feb 6, 2025 | Other | 0 comments
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