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Business Management Department
Module Title: Managing & Leading Change
Module code: BSB10178-6
(Managing & Leading Change)
ID: 12373
Submitted to: Dr. Regina Puma at
Managing and Leading Change
The article is focused at evaluating the change management process by describing the
different steps that need to be considered when attempting a change in the company’s
management system. First of all, the author points out when the organizational change is
necessary. In this regard, he explains how the company needs to be constantly monitoring its
internal and external environments, to be able of adapting to any necessary changes by
changing its management strategy as required in each specific case. As a result, the change
management process appears as a necessary tool in the management system to ensure that the
company remains profitable over time. Furthermore, this indicates that the management
system of the company is a dynamic rather than a static system, and that it needs to be
controlled and modified on a regular basis to ensure the company’s performance is not
negatively affected.
Next, the author explains how most companies normally outsource the change management
process to an external consultant rather than having permanently hired staff that monitors the
external and internal environments of the company and designs the necessary changes when
appropriate. However, and as indicated by the author, the use of internal change managers
rather than an external one provides the advantage of knowing the company, its operation and
its employees, and this might significantly contribute to ensure that the change process is
performed as smoothly as possible not to negatively impact the employee’s performance in
the first stages of the change process.
The close relationship that might exist between the rest of the employees and an internal
change manager might facilitate the training of the employees on the newly introduced
technologies, such that the impact of the implanted changes is minimized as much as
possible. Furthermore, the change manager need to handle the possible resistance opposed by
the staff to the change process by discussing and reducing their insecurities towards the
change, and convincing them of why the change being done is necessary and how it will
benefit the company, on the first hand, and them.
Theory of managing and leading the change
The communicative theory of leadership is probably the most significant theory of the ones
required to be able of appropriately managing the chance process in a company. This theory
promotes the organizational change by the creating of a learning and innovation culture in the
company, according to which the staff has the feeling that increasing their knowledge is
beneficial for them. In this regard, training and personal development are considered amongst
the highest values of the company, and these values are both respected and promoted at all
the different structural levels of the company (Anderson, 2010).
Taking this scenario into account, the change process is expected to be a smooth process, as
employees will be more prone to learning new things once they’re convinced of the benefits
that the applied changes will represent to the company. The situation is further improved as in
such scenario the internal managers of the company have a clear knowledge of their subaltern
employees, which leads into the personalization of the training pathway for each employee
within the company.
Finally, the change process in such an environment is promoted by the openness of the
communication system between the different employees. In this regard, the staff is able of
openly approach their managers and express both their ideas and their fears and concerns
related to the programmed change. This open communication enables the managers to
anticipate any potential resistance areas before they are apparent enough to represent a
problem, and solve them as soon as possible, hence decreasing the hurdles that the change
represents for the company at its initial stages (Thompson, 2010).
Strengths and weaknesses of the article
The main strength of the given article is that the author focuses on the ways in which the
company’s management team can help decrease the burden that the change represents on the
staff during its initial changes, therefore minimizing the deleterious effect that this has on the
company’s performance during the first weeks in which the change process is being applied.
The main weakness of the given article, on the other hand, is related to the consideration of
the company’s culture as a mean to bring about the change process. In this regard, and even
while a positive company’s culture oriented to the openness of the communication and the
consideration for training of the staff is positive as it helps in managing the stress related to
the change process, the article provides a rather simplistic analysis by avoiding to speak
about the fact that many companies presenting such culture feel that the company’s
performance is good as it is and do not want it to be modified.
Positive and negative points
The most relevant positive point of the given article is that it analyzes different tips to
accomplish the change process within the organization. On the other hand, a negative point
is, that as stated previously, the author fails to consider that many companies don’t want a
change to be done considering that they are very conscious about their company culture. In
this regard, it would have been beneficial if the author provided some tips to help in these
My opinion
After having analyzed the information provided in the given article, I believe that the main
factor responsible for the inappropriate management of the change processes within an
organization is the lack of communication between the top managers and the company’s staff.
In this regard, and considering that the employees are most of the times, the change agents in
the sense that it is them that will represent a significant role in the change process on most of
the cases, they would need to have access to an open communication system that enabled
them to provide any necessary ideas related to how the change should be managed in the
organization since, after all, they are the ones that have a better knowledge of the practical
operation of the company.
Instead, the change management process is generally perceived as an authoritarian process in
most companies. In this scenario, the management team decides that something should be
changed, and how it should be changed, and do not even consider that the changes they want
to implement are impractical or even impossible to be carried out.
Taking the above into account, the main conclusions that can be derived from the given
article can be summarized as:
1. The external and internal environment will force the company to change its strategy to
ensure that it is able of adapting to the dynamic environment and therefore retain its
competitive advantages over the rest of the companies
2. The change management process can be carried out either by an internal change
manager or an external one. The use of an internal change manager presents a series
of benefits that arise from the better knowledge of the company, its staff and the
production processes. This better knowledge is presumed to provide a smoother
change by minimizing the resistance to change. In contrast, the external change
manager presents the benefit of not needing to permanently hire a specialized
3. The culture and communication system in the company represent two of the critical
factors governing the efficiency of the change process management. In this regard, it
is essential that an appropriate communication system is installed during the change
process to minimize the resistance to change and prevent the company’s performance
to be negatively impacted during the first stages of the implementation of the required
Anderson, D. and Anderson, L.A., 2010. Beyond change management: How to achieve
breakthrough results through conscious change leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
Smith, W.K., Binns, A. and Tushman, M.L., 2010. Complex business models: Managing
strategic paradoxes simultaneously. Long range planning, 43(2), pp.448-461.
Thompson, J.L. and Martin, F., 2010. Strategic management: awareness & change. Cengage
Learning EMEA.

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