Solved by verified expert:plz see the file that i upload .This is a research paper about business ethics. Your research paper or project is a key element of your grade; however, it is intended to be an endeavor that will benefit you as you address ethical issues in your current or anticipated work environment.


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Research Paper/Project (60 points) plus Turnitin (8 points):
Your research paper or project is a key element of your grade; however, it is
intended to be an endeavor that will benefit you as you address ethical issues
in your current or anticipated work environment. Maybe this should go without
saying in a class on ethics but the final write-up is to be your own work
product, not merely a collection of cut and paste musings from other authors.
Your final submission will be graded on four primary factors: mechanics (12
points) (content and format, grammar, punctuation, etc.); readability and
organization (10 points); originality of topic and content (both subject matter
and authorship) (15 points); and quality of work (20 points) (Master’s level
Your final product should not be over five double-spaced pages of text,
excluding the cover page and references or bibliography. The cover page is
to include your name, topic title, course designation, date, and class honor
code (see Class Honor Code below) and an abstract of your paper. You may
use the APA format to organize your paper.
Since the paper/project is a significant portion of your grade, I encourage you
to begin winnowing ideas early and find a topic that interests you, will be of
benefit in your profession area, and is do-able within the time frame of this
Please, please understand that via appropriate services (Turnitin), I do check
the sources, originality, and references of your work. Show me what you
have gleaned from your readings and/or research (surveys, interviews, etc.),
discussions with peers and group-mates, personal experiences, or whatever;
however, do not tender as your own the re-capsulated work of others.
U can do anything changes of the outline
Topic: why drugs are legal in many places
I often smell the smell of rubber burning on weekends at my apartment, it is a
Unpleasant smell. As i know Drugs were initially used for medical purposes in
America. Some places have legalized recreational marijuana, why this
things could happen? Is there a relationship between drugs and ethics?
Now, in a November 2013 Gallup Poll, 58 percent of Americans supported
marijuana legalization.
2. main idea/ reason
1. The cost of banned drugs is actually very high.
if banned, People will look for other alternatives.
2. Promote the economy?
Sales of recreational marijuana in the United States reached US$1.2 billion
in 2015 and medicinal cannabis reached US$4.5 billion
3. ethics with drugs.
People should start with education, especially ethics, and believe that the
number of drug crimes will gradually decrease in the future.
Research Paper/Project (60 points) plus Turnitin (8 points):
Your research paper or project is a key element of your grade; however, it is
intended to be an endeavor that will benefit you as you address ethical issues
in your current or anticipated work environment. Maybe this should go without
saying in a class on ethics but the final write-up is to be your own work
product, not merely a collection of cut and paste musings from other authors.
Your final submission will be graded on four primary factors: mechanics (12
points) (content and format, grammar, punctuation, etc.); readability and
organization (10 points); originality of topic and content (both subject matter
and authorship) (15 points); and quality of work (20 points) (Master’s level
Your final product should not be over five double-spaced pages of text,
excluding the cover page and references or bibliography. The cover page is
to include your name, topic title, course designation, date, and class honor
code (see Class Honor Code below) and an abstract of your paper. You may
use the APA format to organize your paper.
Since the paper/project is a significant portion of your grade, I encourage you
to begin winnowing ideas early and find a topic that interests you, will be of
benefit in your profession area, and is do-able within the time frame of this
Please, please understand that via appropriate services (Turnitin), I do check
the sources, originality, and references of your work. Show me what you
have gleaned from your readings and/or research (surveys, interviews, etc.),
discussions with peers and group-mates, personal experiences, or whatever;
however, do not tender as your own the re-capsulated work of others.
U can do anything changes of the outline, research can do online.
Topic: why drugs are legal in many places
I often smell the smell of rubber burning on weekends at my apartment, it is a
Unpleasant smell. As i know Drugs were initially used for medical purposes in
America. Some places have legalized recreational marijuana, why this
things could happen? Is there a relationship between drugs and ethics?
Now, in a November 2013 Gallup Poll, 58 percent of Americans supported
marijuana legalization.
2. main idea/ reason
1. The cost of banned drugs is actually very high.
if banned, People will look for other alternatives.
2. Promote the economy?
Sales of recreational marijuana in the United States reached US$1.2 billion
in 2015 and medicinal cannabis reached US$4.5 billion
3. ethics with drugs.
People should start with education, especially ethics, and believe that the
number of drug crimes will gradually decrease in the future.

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