Expert answer:Here is the spec sheet for your Article Review assignment using the most current, credible and relevant data and information on your chosen topic. This assignment will assess your ability to access and retrieve the most current, credible and relevant data in a nutrition-related, peer-reviewed journal using electronic databases. After you thoroughly read and understand your peer-reviewed article, you will organize and summarize the article’s data findings.You will select a topic of interest to you in nutrition to research current, credible, relevant data from one scholarly, peer reviewed article pertaining to your specific topic. N.B. I have an uploaded an attachment with the full description of the assignment. It is due Sunday at 11:59 pm.N.B. Also provide a separate document for this part “Then, you will discuss in your small group the study/research findings and why this is relevant for today’s nutrition and health.” Pages 3-4 for Article Review and for Small group discussion on why this is relevant for today’s nutrition and health (400-500 words)