Expert answer:There are two files, one is the original and the other is the tutor advice. Please correct it. SOURCESYour bibliography should contain 8 entries, and should meet the following criteria:4 academic, peer-reviewed journal articles about a MonstersA popular newspaper or newsmagazine article about a MonsterA credible website (one that fulfills the CARS test) with information about the MonsterA primary source about the Monster (including but not limited to movement organization website, print or online interviews with movement activists, movement documents or art, activist generated writing, documentaries featuring living movement activists, etc.)2 Choice sources FORMATFor each of your sources, you should include an entry with relevant publication information in MLA format. ANNOTATIONS Directions: Your annotations for each of your 8 sources should do the followingo summarize the source (chapter, book, article, or the like).o identify the piece’s argument (or main point)o rely primarily on your own words and phrasing–use summary and paraphrase.o discuss the source’s strengths and weaknesses. For instance, does the item offer a good introduction to the issue? Does the item deal with a particular aspect of the issue that is especially relevant to the problem you plan to address in your proposal? Do you find the piece accessible or is it geared to a more specialized audience?o describe how this piece will contribute to your research project.o Each annotation should be a ½ page to 1-page, single-spaced.
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Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft
Saddam Hussein the Real Life Monster
Bardenwerper, Will. The Prisoner in His Palace: Saddam Hussein, His American Guards, and What History Leaves Unsaid. New York, NY: Scribner, 2017.
This resource is a book which revisits the life of Saddam Hussein. This revisiting focuses on the evils that Saddam committed, and the events leading to his
capture. More important, the revisit allows a critical analysis of the life that
Saddam lived within the period between his arrest and his conviction for death.
The title of the book is derived from the later part of his life. The book unearths
a side of Hussein that most people never see; a side that is soft, humane, and
discerning goodness. The central claim of the author is that although the world
saw Hussein as a monster, he had a human side, which most likely was corrupted by the power he had. The implications of this book point towards stating that
even the worst in the society could be tamed while good people could also turn
into monsters. The book suggests being constantly aware to avoid the penetration of such characters in the society. This book presents the advantage of reviewing the unknown side of the monster that was Saddam and hence serves a
purpose in establishing facts about monsters in the real world. The weakness of
this book, however, is that it does not provide an in-depth analysis of the monstrous actions of the dictator, thus appearing to refute the claim that he was a
monster while it is evident from elsewhere that his actions were monstrous.
However, this article will be used in research as a means of evaluating the moral
conduct that leads good people to do bad things or the vice versa.
Brands Hal and Palkki David. “Conspiring Bastards”: Saddam Hussein’s Strategic View of the United States. Diplomatic History , 36 (3), 1 June 2012, 625–
659. . Web. November 14,
The article uses Iraqi records in the analysis of the view of Saddam Hussein and
his regime towards the United States and the West. The analysis seems to underline the dictator’s violent view of the United States and the majority of other
Western powers. The main idea communicated here is that Hussein always
viewed the U.S as opposing his Ba’athist ideologies and system of government
and that the United States sought to marginalize the United States. The fear in
Saddam that United States Operatives were going to assassinate him communicates the paranoid view of the United States and the distrust that he held towards
them that way, the article presents Saddam’s worldview and probably a part of
the reason he behaved the way he did. The article is credible since it documents
records between 1970 and the 1990s thus boosting the scope of knowledge to
allow a critical analysis of Saddam’s intentions and how they were connected to
his belief-system. The weakness of the article is that it does not provide a link
between the U.S and Saddam’s monstrous acts thus it leaves the audience hanging to fill in the gaps make inferences how the United States might have contributed to the monstrous actions of the dictator. The article will be used to provide insight on how the United States’ policies may have contributed to the
building of the monster that was Saddam Hussein. That way, the article presents
a critical analysis of the external influences that might have been a part of the
making of the monster as he came to be seen later on.
Fox News. “CIA Analyst: Saddam Hussein ‘Seemed Clueless,’ was ‘Inattentive
Leader.” 2016, December 18.
-inattentive-leader.html . Web. November 14, 2017.
This article is obtained from Fox News, a news website that provides insight
through interviews to various key figures in different major stories. The specific
article presents the interview with a former CIA analyst and a soldier involved
in the capture of Saddam Hussein. The article presents the views of the analyst
and the mental state of Saddam at the time of arrest, detainment, conviction, and
execution. That way, the article claims that the dictator seemed out of his senses
at the time of arrest throughout the time of conviction and execution. This outof-character behavior is further analyzed as underlining the characteristics of a
serial killer and probably a person who was, at the moment, living in fantasy. A
different side of the argument is presented showing that during questioning,
Saddam seemed unaware of various crimes he was accused of. Therefore, the
author claims that the U.S might have misinterpreted Hussein and led to the
wrong execution of the leader. As with several other sources, this article
presents the flip side of the argument on whether Saddam was really the monster that the U.S accused him of being. Therefore, the article serves to shed light
on the effects of mediatization of the entire regime and the choices made leading
to the death of Saddam. It is also backed up by the personal experience of a witness in the questioning of the dictator thus presenting credible evidence into the
research. The views of this article are applicable in further delineating how the
definition of monsters in the society helped to shape the public opinion with
limited exposure to these people.
Hennerbichler Ferdinand and Montgomery Bruce. “ U.S. Restitution of the Iraq
Secret Police Files from Saddam Hussein’s Regime Regarding the Kurds in
Iraq.” Advances in Anthropology, 5(1), (2015), Article ID:53898,7 pages
10.4236/aa.2015.51004 . Web. November 14, 2017.
This article underlines the process of the transfer of documents from the Iraqi
Kurdistan people to the University of Colorado-Boulder through the U.S Defense Intelligence Agency and the reclaiming of the documents by Kurdistan
delegation as a means of enhancing reconciliation and healing in their region in
Iraq. This article presents the proof of the Anfal genocide and other events of
the 1991 uprising and the aftermath. That way, it presents the proof of monstrosity in the government of Saddam Hussein and his allies. The transfer process
shows the commitment of the locals to the process of reconciliation and rebuilding. The article presents the proof of wrong-doing by Saddam and the government and serves as a credible source of reference because it documents real-life
events both in the recent past and in the time of Saddam and his regime. This
article presents the strength of presenting facts that are clarifiable through the
documents obtained through the rebellion and how the facts present the image
of Hussein. Therefore, the article presents a good resource for the research
process because it underlines original research by the characters described and
brings the audience close to real-life evidence on the monstrosity conducted by
the regime. Providing a first-hand account of evidence on what happened pro-
vides a better chance to understand Saddam and his leadership. Therefore, since
this article is in a peer-reviewed journal that
provides collections, it presents a good chance of unearthing the true account of
events. The authors are also persons involved in the transfer of the documents.
Lowe, Alton. Dan Rather interview with Saddam Hussein. Youtube. 2003, February 24. . Web. November 14, 2017.
Lowe presents one of Hussein’s last interviews with international media before
he was attacked by the United States and UK and his side of the story on the
dispute with the U.S. The video presents the dictator in his last days as a free
man while still in power. Also, it presents his views of the motivations of the
U.S. as being malicious and purely political rather than reasonable. This video
presents Saddam’s views from the first-person narration where he is seen speaking with the journalist Dan Rather. This resource is crucial in that it presents the
advantages of not only being a primary source, but also presenting the views of
Saddam directly regarding the U.S policy and how it could lead to devastation
of the nation. This video is taken when President Saddam Hussein is in power,
and probably one of the last filming of him in power. He provides an overview
of the impending Iraq War and what it might have meant to him and the citizens
of Iraq. The article is particularly useful in presenting the issues which led to the
Iraq War, the capture of Saddam, and his execution. His strategy to fight away
the U.S and UK backfired leading to his loss. Although the article is admirable
and provides credible results it fails to address the answers of one of the questions from the U.S point of view thus idolizing Saddam as having a sound
judgment, perhaps even better than the U.S.
The Guardian. “The toppling of Saddam – an end to 30 years of brutal rule.” The
Guardian, 2003, April 10.
iraq . Web. November 14, 2017.
The life and brutal times of Saddam are remembered by various means in the
article. The article outlines how the regime of the dictator came to an end after
the U.S captured him, his monument was brought down, and former bases destroyed. The article presents the marvel that was observed in Baghdad and Iraq
in general as Saddam Hussein was no longer feared but condemning. The author
also presents how people, together, brought down the monument of Saddam and
the systems that were in place went down with it too. This article revisits the
brutality of Saddam’s regime as a means of showing how it had finally come to
be over. Further, it presents the phasing out of the system. The article which is
found in the Guardian presents credible research due to the authenticity of the
source. Also, it is detailed, showing the reliance on evidence to make claims.
Therefore, the article presents a very credible source of research and analysis of
issues facing tyrannies and their implications. This article presents a chronological order of events and thus serves as a good reference source for the research
article. The weakness of this article regarding the topic of study, however, is that
it focuses too much on the end results of the struggle against the regime of Saddam but does not address much on the regime itself. Therefore, it can only provide limited information on the monstrous actions of the Tyrant
Wien Peter. “Iraq Under Saddam Hussein.” T he Middle East Journal , 66(3),
Summer 2012
pp. 539-542. Print.
The article reviews three books that summarize the life of people in Iraq under
the rule of Saddam Hussein. The first book titled The Saddam Tapes reviews the
inner workings of the tyrant regime of the dictator and how orders were executed. The second book, State-Society Relations in Ba’athist Iraq
presents an overview of how the state and religion were linked and how the link
worked in the society. The final book presented in the review is Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party examines how power was exercised in an authoritarian
regime which was controlled by loyal party leaders. The review of the three
books, therefore, presents insight on the implications of the tyrannical regime of
the late Saddam Hussein and how life was during his tenure. That way, it
presents the findings that the regime was fully authoritarian and exercised power in the highest level of dictatorship. This article is very informative in the way
it cites from three different books which all come from informed writers. The
analysis of more than one source provides the article with the strength of the diversity of research hence ending up with more credible findings. The article,
however, presents a weakness in its inability to outline the implications of the
abuses experienced by various people due to the regime. However, the article is
applicable to research since it allows the researcher an overview of life in Iraq
thus revealing the characteristics of Hussein through his actions.
Woods Kevin and Stout Mark. “Saddam’s Perceptions and Misperceptions: The
Case of ‘Desert Storm.” Journal of Strategic Studies, 33 (1), 5-41. 2010. http:// . Web. November 14, 2017.
The toppling of Saddam Hussein’s regime and the events that led to the success
in 2003 are discussed in depth in the article. Further, the researchers identify the
defeat of Saddam Hussein’s regime as a result of his repeated tactics in what he
termed as scientific experiments. His failure is then preceded by the actions that
led to the war that eventually led to his arrest. The central claim in this article is
that Saddam Hussein was a dormant and assertive leader who believed in his
means to achieve results. As such, the article advocates that the failure of Saddam Hussein to adapt to the dynamics of warfare and his deep-rooted belief in
his system as the issues that led to his defeat. The article presents a unique approach to the discussion on the monstrous actions of Saddam and his regime.
Therefore, the article presents the strength of a non-judgmental approach to
Saddam’s method, leaving the audience to decide for themselves whether he
was really a monster. However, one evident weakness is that the article focuses
mostly on the 2003 Iraq War as opposed to his methods throughout a longer period. That way, the article lacks an all-around approach to the scrutiny of Saddam Hussein. Although the article does not directly present the monstrosity of
Saddam, it presents his weaknesses, and thus it will serve as a good resource in
the research. The addition it makes is that it provides a critical analysis of the
works of Saddam without taking sides.
Smarthinking Tutor Response Form
Your tutor has written overview comments about your essay in the form below. Your tutor has also
embedded comments [in bold and in brackets] within your essay. Thank you for choosing
Smarthinking to help you improve your writing!
Hello, Hoei! I’m Noel B. I look forward to working with you on this Essay Center Review to improve
your writing today. Let’s get started!
*Writing Strength:
You arrange your annotations in alphabetical order. For instance, you begin by discussing a source by
Bardenwerper, move on to a source by Brands, and then discuss a source by Fox News. Since you
arrange your annotations in alphabetical order, your readers can follow your discussion more easily.
Good job!
*. 8764333 has requested that you respond to the Organization:
Some of your topic sentences don’t accurately show what your sources are about. Let’s take a look at
the first sentence of your first annotation:
This resource is a book which revisits the life of Saddam Hussein.
This sentence shows that the book “revisits the life of Saddam Hussein.” However, it doesn’t explain
the credentials of the author and how the book revisits the life of Saddam Hussein. Since your topic
sentence doesn’t clearly show what the book is about, your readers may not be prepared for the
discussion of this source.
In the case of annotated bibliographies, topic sentences generally have two functions: to introduce the
source and its authors and to explain how the source made its analysis. The first sentence of your first
annotation is not an effective topic sentence because it doesn’t clearly introduce its source.
Here are some guide questions that can help you revise your topic sentence: What are Bardenwerper’s
credentials? What sources did he use to revisit the life of Saddam Hussein?
Content Development
Next, you can improve your paper by adding more details that can evaluate your sources. By adding
more details, you can ensure that your readers can understand your analysis more easily.
Your third annotation states that the views presented in the article can be applied “in further
delineating how the definition of monsters in the society helped to shape the public opinion with
limited exposure to these people.” However, it doesn’t explain which specific views of it you can use
the most and which part of your research can benefit from them. Hence, your readers may not clearly
understand why you chose this source for your own work.
You can help your readers understand your annotated bibliography more clearly by adding more
details that evaluate your topic. To help provide more details about your topic, consider answering
these questions: Which views presented in the article can you make use of? Which specific part of
your research can benefit from those views? How can that part of your research benefit from those
For more information on how to develop content for your essay, you can check out the Smarthinking
Writer’s Handbook’s lesson on writing annotated bibliographies.
*. 8764333 has requested that you respond to the Use of Resources:
Finally, you seem to be following MLA style. That said, you can improve your essay by ensuring your
citations follow MLA formatting. Let’s take a look at the citation of your last annotation:
Woods Kevin and Stout Mark. “Saddam’s Perceptions and Misperceptions: The Case of ‘Desert
Storm.” Journal of Strategic Studies, 33 (1), 5-41. 2010.
10.1080/01402391003603433 . Web. November 14, 2017.
This entry shows the authors’ names, the title, volume, and page numbers of the article, and the DOI
where you found it. However, it shows the http:// tag and the word “web.” Hence, it does not follow
MLA formatting.
To ensure that your readers can verify your sources more annotations follow MLA formatting, it’s best
if your revise your annotations. In MLA formatting, Works Cited entries for journal articles found online
show the authors’ names, the title of the source, the journal where the source is located, pertinent
volume and page numbers, and the container’s URL or DOI (without the http:// tag). Here is an
example of a Works Cited entry for a journal article found online with an assigned DOI:
Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.” Screen, vol. 16, no. 3, 1975, pp. 6-18.
Oxford Journals, doi:10.1093/screen/16.3.6.
For more information on citing works in MLA style, the Smarthinking Writer’s Handbook has a lesson
on MLA Style.
Summary of Next Steps:
Develop effective topic sentences.
Provide more details that show how your sources will contribute to your project.
Ensure that your citations provide the required information.
Thank you for submitting your essay for a review, Hoei. I enjoyed helping you with this step in the
revision process. Have a good day! –Noel B.
You can find more information about writing, grammar, and usage in the Smarthinking Writer’s
Please look for comments [in bold and in brackets] in your essay below.
Thank you for submitting your work to Smarthinking! We hope to see you again soon.
Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft
Saddam Hussein the Real Life Monster
Bardenwerper, Will. The Prisoner in His Palace: Saddam Hussein, His American Guards, and
What History Leaves Unsaid. New York, NY: Scribner, 2017. Print.
This resource is a book which revisits the life of Saddam Hussein. This revisiting focuses on the
evils that Saddam committed, and the events leading to his capture. More important, the revisit
allows a critical analysis of the life that Saddam lived within the period between his arrest and
his conviction for death. The title of the book is derived from the later part of his life. The book
unearths a side of Hussein that most people never see; a side that is soft, humane, and discerning
goodness. The central claim of the author is that although the world saw Hussein as a monster, he
had a human side, which most likely was corrupted by the power he had. The implications of this
book point towards stating that even the worst in the society could be tamed while good people
could also turn into monsters. The book sugges …
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