Solved by verified expert:Please post a (working) draft of your proposal project plan. At this point, it can be a rough draft.I upload my topic about proposal. Here are is an example about how do this project plan:Internship Is Important For People Objective The main objective of this project is to create awareness to people as to why it is important to practice internship before they secure their jobs.Another target of this proposal is create attention on meaning of internship to people of concern as a temporary position with an emphasis on employment cases which can either be paid or not.Introduction There has been problem of job performance in many industries due to lack of experience in their employees. This has been happening since most of employees do not attend for internship before getting their jobs, which means they do not have enough knowledge of handling different tasks in their work place.The experienced employees in the company need enough experienced workmates who will assist in taking up all tasks offered by the company in order to reduce work load. Available employees will encounter less workload in few hours if the new employees are subjected to internship before getting employed. According to my survey and summary, I found an internship has four function (Getting your ideal internship, 2008).First is Verify their career choices, when college students are determined their future career ideal on the basis of knowing themselves, they need to test the job, they need to test if they really like this profession by internship, whether he or she is willing to do this work. Second is to understand the work content. Third is learning how to work and enterprise standard, then we need to request ourselves do the job in the highest standard in the industry and enterprise. Last is finding the gap between their own professional and job. So internship is not only in order to implement the work. And do a feasible short detailed planning at the end of the internship.In most cases the reason that this issue is that many people think intern is a kind of cheap labor power. They don’t want to make the effort but only earn less money or even no money. And I can’t deny someone don’t want to have internship experience just because they are lazy. On the other hand, some company refused to accept interns, they think intern is not only useless, it would be counterproductive. This also cause college students can’t have internship experience in the company they would like to.Causes and effects of the problem The problem of poor performance in this companies has been encountered due to lack of knowledge on why new employees should be subjected to internship before getting their jobs. Most of these companies has been employing people randomly without taking in to consideration their academic levels of education and their work experience (Getting your ideal internship, 2008). Lack of transparency in the employing committee has also played great role in making more unexperienced individuals to secure jobs. This indicates that, individuals in position have been taking their family members who are unskilled and unable to deliver services to the company and giving them jobs. As a result we have a corresponding poor performance of jobs within the company (Gross, 1981). Resulting impacts or effects due to lack of internship include poor performance of individual employees, financial loses by the company and high rates of injuries of unskilled employees in the company since they lack precautions concerning their job.Solutions The main solution of ensuring people learn and practice internship before getting their job is through ensuring clean screening during employing interviews. This means that before an individual’s gets any chance to work in any given they should produce qualification papers showing that they have enough experience regarding their career.In addition employing team should work hand in hand with the company to ensure there is transparency in the industry. This will be necessary to cater bribery and corruption cases in the company. Strict laws should be put in place to cater for those trying to go against already set laws.Conclusion The boss of the company should encourage togetherness in order to improve on average performance in the company. In addition public awareness should be create among individuals in order to be aware on how internship exposure is of great benefit in their lives. Through internship, companies will be able to generate good profits since all employers will be having a common binding factor of working to reach targets of their company (Gross, 1981).

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My proposal is about safety for international students in America. In nowadays, as
international student mobility grows, the number of reported attacks on students has also been
increasing and students are becoming more aware of the risks they may face when studying
In term of international student, safe is most important issue. Different countries have
different law; For example, the United States allow a number of citizens use weapon while in my
country that is illegal. Therefore, the issue about how to help the international student live better,
it not just need the relevant departments and law to more attention, the international student also
need to know the culture and safety issue of this country.
According to my survey and summary, the number of reported attacks against students has in
fact increased in recent years (as has the number of students abroad), and crime statistics show
that international students are among the most vulnerable on campus. Besides, international
student also might be facing some harassment in both the academic environment and online that
may arise as result of students’ cultural differences, gender, or sexual orientation. There is a
reason American college and university leaders must commit to a far more robust infrastructure
to support international students.
The causes of this issue that come with increasingly diverse and complex student bodies,
and the wave of student activism sweeping across America’s college. Meanwhile, we all know
that citizens allow to have weapon in America. Therefore, more international students are fears
of gun violence in campus. The other reason is racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination,
the threat of terrorist attacks. In addition, international student temporary status and relative lack
of familiarity with their new environment, culture, and in many cases, language, it leaves them
exposed to a large number of risks.
If we not do anything in this issue, they still not realize how important of safety for
international student. Studying abroad in an unfamiliar culture has always brought with it a set of
potential safety risks, First, they will feel lonely, because it is a strange place which no familiar
friends, relative. When they encounter problems, they tend to be more vulnerable. It means they
need more care and understanding. If these psychological problems cannot be solved, it will
affect the academic achievement and enthusiasm of foreign students, which cannot attain the
goal to receive better education in abroad. Furthermore, the international student can’t enjoy and
relax to study during this experiences. For parents, they can’t visit campus they only know some
terrible unsafety report by reading the press. It will increase their worry.
All in all, the college need to focus more how to maintain a secure environment,
international student also should take the same basic precautions anywhere. Such as stay away
from deserted, unfamiliar places, be aware of one’s surroundings, keep dormitory rooms locked,
be cautious about drinking too much.

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