Solved by verified expert:Option 2- Alternative Assignment: You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.First, review the Unit 3 Seminar archive. Use the Seminar Guide in Kaplan Academic Tools to find out how to access Seminar archives. Then, respond to these Discussion topics in a Word Document of about 250–300 words. Your paper should be in APA format and you should cite all references used. Submit the Word document in the Unit 3 Seminar Dropbox.How do ethnocentricity and cultural relativism help us understand the differences between levels of development in societies?What are the positive and negative outcomes on individual culture when post-industrial societies interact with hunting and gathering, pastoral, agrarian, or industrial societies?How does social structure determine the patterns of interaction between members of a society? ———————Option 2- Alternative Assignment: You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.First, review the Unit 4 Seminar archive. Use the Seminar Guide in Kaplan Academic Tools to find out how to access Seminar archives. Then, respond to these Discussion topics in a Word Document of about 250–300 words. Your paper should be in APA format and you should cite all references used. Submit the Word document in the Unit 4 Seminar Dropbox.How has gender traditionally affected career choices?How have the demographics (age, education, marital status) of men and women in the workforce changed over the past half century?What factors account for the wage gap between men and women? How can the gap be closed?Does gender still serve a legitimate function in societies of developed nations? Or, is it mainly a source of conflict?————————You have probably noticed that some groups to which you have belonged were able to get a task done very effectively, while other groups seemed to lack direction and purpose. When you think about it, you can probably attribute much of the group’s effectiveness to the leader’s decision-making style. For this Discussion, you will have a chance to assess on your own leadership style as well as to reflect on the one under which you feel that you do your best work.Post a referenced, complete response to the Discussion topic after you have completed your reading. Also, respond to at least two peers by drawing a conclusion, asking a question, or offering additional resources on the topic.Leadership StylesBriefly describe each of the three leadership styles. If you could choose the leadership style of your next or current supervisor, which style would you choose? Explain why you prefer that leadership style. Describe a work situation when you worked under a leadership style that did not work well for you. How would you describe your own leadership style? Give an example of a time when you acted in this leadership style, and explain the outcome of the group’s efforts.Your initial post should be at least 150-words in length. Your two follow-up posts should be at least 75-words in length each.