Expert answer:Use the following heading as level 2 headings and MUST MEET ALL REQUIREMENT PLEASE.use some of the resources providedIntroduction Provided an excellent overview of the problem of supply chain risk as it pertains to the cybersecurity industry. use 3 authoritative sources for this section. Supply Chain Risks Provided an excellent discussion of specific aspects of supply chain risks in the cybersecurity industry. Identified and discussed 5 or more specific examples of supply chain risk that have or will impact cybersecurity products and services. use 3 different sources for this section. Due Diligence for Procurement & Acquisition Provided an excellent discussion of due diligence as a risk management strategy for acquisitions and procurements of cybersecurity products and services. Addressed requirements to investigate suppliers prior to entering into contracts for products or services. List 5 or more examples of cybersecurity related questions that should be asked during the due diligence process. use 3 different sources for this section. Best Practices for Managing Global Supply Chain Risks Provided an excellent discussion of the role that best practices should play in addressing global supply chain risks for cybersecurity products and services. List 5 or more examples of best practice recommendations and an evaluation of the expected benefits from implementing each of these practices. use 3 different sources for this section. Summary and Conclusions Provided an excellent summary and conclusions section which presented a summary of findings including 3 or more reasons why global supply chain risk is a problem that must be addressed by both suppliers and purchasers of cybersecurity related products and services.For this paper, you will research and report upon the problem of Supply Chain Risk as it pertains to the cybersecurity industry. You will also investigate due diligence and other business processes / strategies which can be used to mitigate the impacts of supply chain risk for companies who produce and sell cybersecurity related products and services.Research Global Supply Chain Risks affecting the Cybersecurity Industry. Here are some suggested resources to get you started:Cyber Security Risks in Industrial Supply Chains in the Supply ChainCybersecurity Risks in the Supply Chain Independent contractors, outsourcing providers and supply chain vendors: The weakest link in cybersecurity? (pp. 2-3)Investigate due diligence as it applies to the purchase of components or services from vendors. Answer the question: how can due diligence processes help a company manage supply chain risks? Here are some suggested resources: Five lessons learned the hard way best practices and recommended strategies and approaches for managing global supply chain risk10 Supply Chain Risk Management Best Practices Supply Chain Security: A Crucial Step Toward U.S. Security, Prosperity, and Freedom in Cyberspace Chain Risk Management Awareness
Expert answer:Supply Chain Risk in the Cybersecurity Industry
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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