Solved by verified expert:Visit the library, and go to IBISWorld. Enter the term “Soda Production in the U.S.” After you have familiarized yourself with the IBISWorld contents (be sure that you review all pages on the Soda industry), perform some additional and more current research in the library on Coca-Cola (use trade journals, newspaper articles, and magazines). Be sure that you review the company’s most recent 10-K report as well, located at… Then, in a well-written 5-page paper, do the following: Perform an assessment of Coca-Cola’s external environment, identifying key opportunities and threats, by doing the following: Complete an analysis of Coca-Cola’s external environment using Porter’s Five Forces. Using the Function Approach to Internal Analysis, identify key strengths and weaknesses at Coca-Cola by performing an in-depth internal analysis of the company. Use what you have learned in previous courses to perform your analysis. At a minimum, evaluate the following functional areas: Accounting/Finance: Include your analysis of at least three (3) key financial ratios (if you need a resource, see: Drake, P. (n.d.). Financial Ratio Analysis. Retrieved from Marketing Human Resources Operations Management Technology Logistics After you have completed your Internal and External analyses, prepare a table in which you clearly show the most important strengths and weaknesses of the company, and the most salient opportunities and threats currently facing the Coca-Cola Company. Conclude your analysis by answering the following: Does Coca-Cola have more strengths or weaknesses? Explain. Does Coca-Cola have more opportunities or threats? Explain. Does Coca-Cola have any sustainable competitive advantages? If so, what are they? **Must use at least 2 of the following references: For a very good overview of Porter’s Five Forces, please read Section 3.4: “Evaluating the Industry” (pages 84-98) of the Mastering Strategic Management text. Michaux, S., Cadiat, A., & Probert, C. (2015). Porter’s Five Forces : Stay Ahead of the Competition Tracy, B. (2015). Business strategy (The Brian Tracy Success Library). New York: AMACOM. For a very good overview and examples of SWOT Analysis, review the links at the Free Management Library website (scan down to the section entitled “Do a SWOT Analysis of Results of Looking Outside and Inside the Organization?” here:…. Allio, R. J., & Fahey, L. (2012). Joan Magretta: What executives can learn from revisiting Michael Porter. Strategy & Leadership, 40(2), 5-10. Dobbs, M. E. (2012). Porter’s five forces in practice: Templates for firm and case analysis. Competition Forum, 10(1), 22-33. May the five forces be with you. (2016, May 08). Telegram & Gazette China’s steel industry: Porter’s five forces strategy analysis. (2016, Feb 03). M2 Presswire Ireland, R., & Hitt, M. A. (2005). Achieving and maintaining strategic competitiveness in the 21st century: The role of strategic leadership. Academy of Management Executive, 19(4), 63-77.
Expert answer:SWOT Analysis
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