Solved by verified expert:PLEASE VERY URGENT.-PLEASE THE ASSIGNMENT IS BASED ON THE MOVIE CALLED “RADIO”Rhetorical Analysis Essay Assignment Sheet“Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men” – PlatoTHE MOVIE CALLED “RADIO”PLEASE STICK TO THE INSTRUCTIONS.Introduction-Theorist Edward Schiappa has declared that “rhetoric is everywhere” – and he’s right. Every day you are bombarded by what others around you are saying. Billboards, newspaper advertisements, cable commercials, radio pitches, speeches, editorials, and persuasive blogs are all geared to appeal to YOU. So, how are you going to react? Are you going to buy every new laptop that comes along, or will you make an educated analysis of the things you choose to buy or believe?A rhetorical analysis is “an argument that takes a close look at the strategies of persuasion within a text” (How to Write Anything, 223). Writing a rhetorical analysis will give you the inside scoop on how speech writers, advertisers, film directors, and politicians appeal to audiences all over the world. The more you know, the better informed choices you’ll be able to make in the future.ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE 1300 WORDS.Assignment for Movie Speech- CALLLED “-RADIO”In this rhetorical analysis paper, you will listen to a movie speech in context and analyze how effective that piece is at achieving its goal. You should describe the speech you’ve chosen, including its purpose, main arguments, and historical or other context; identify its goal(s); and analyze its strengths and weaknesses. You will need to look at, recognize and investigate rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) and audience within the speech that you have chosen. You should take a stand on this piece and conclude that it is either generally effectiveor generally ineffective.Once you’ve listened to your chosen speech (and watched the movie), you will be writing an outline for the points that you will cover and creating a thesis statement that is supported by this outline. The idea is to get your initial purpose for analyzing your article/movie speech figured out before you begin to write your essay. This will give you a clear jumping off point to start from and in addition, you will have clear points to make in each paragraph.
Expert answer:the movie called” RADIO”
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Writing | 0 comments
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