Solved by verified expert:this is Intro to Literature course Course Description : Provides an introduction to close reading in the three major genres-fiction, poetry, and drama. Students will learn technical vocabulary appropriate for literary analysis and write frequent papers based on reading and class discussion. answer three questions about “In a Prominent Bar in Secacus Day”: 1) Who is speaking in the poem?; 2) Who is being spoken to in the poem?; and 2) What is being communicated? i upload the page form the book and i upload example for this discussion and also i need to write a common on a discussion im already upload






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In the poem, “In a Prominent Bar in Secaucus One Day”, one of the speakers seems to me to be
the bartender or one of the “regulars” at the bar. The other speaker is the girl the first person
is speaking about, Rose. Both speakers have a very different opinion. Kind of one of those it’s
my story so I’m sticking to it kind of moments. The first speaker recounts a particular encounter
with Rose. She quotes Rose, which is how Rose sort of becomes another speaker in the poem.
The first speaker sees Rose as she is ruining her life as a prostitute. Whereas Rose thinks she is
all that. She believes she is living the good life, and that there is nothing wrong with her line of
work. As the poem goes on it’s as if she has grown and matured and gotten away from the
lifestyle or is trying to maybe. She begins to warn other women to not get caught up in that life
no matter what. I think she regrets her choices and wishes she could go back and make better
ones. She warns other girls to get married to someone that loves them. Rose is speaking to
everyone in the bar, specifically the women.
In the poem, “In a Prominent Bar in Secaucus One Day”, there are two different
speakers. The speaker in the first and last stanzas is an observer who is in a bar at the
same time that the main speaker of the poem is in the bar. The main speaker of the
poem is a woman named Rose.
Rose is an older woman who has experienced change over the course of her
life. She tells a story of how she used to be young and wealthy and now she is old, her
beauty is gone, and she is alone. It seems that she is talking to the young girls who are
in the bar, who are in the same position that she was many years ago, when she was
young. She is giving them a warning that just because they are young and beautiful
now, it does not mean that they will be forever. She is telling them that they need to
leave this type of life behind and to go make better lives for themselves while they
still can.

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