Solved by verified expert:IST 8101 Thesis Exemplar-2.pdf (358.549 KB) IST 8101 Thesis Exemplar-1.pdf (1.56 MB)Final Project – Putting It All TogetherTo this point in the course, you were submitting individual components of the thesis project. Now, it is time to pull all the components together into one final document. This paper is due by 11:59:59 PM (E.S.T) of the day before Week 15’s scheduled class meeting for HYBRID sections or by 11:59:59 PM (E.S.T) of the day before Week 15 begins for ONLINE sections.The final paper must follow the provided template and include, at minimum, the information below.Title Page (1 page separate from other pages)Table of Contents (pages as needed and separate from other pages)List of Tables, Figures and Appendices (pages as needed and separate from other pages)Abstract (1 page separate from other pages)Introduction (pages as needed)Problem StatementResearch Question (s)Purpose/Rationale (pages as needed)Definitions (if applicable) (pages as needed)Hypothesis/Propositions (if applicable) (pages as needed)Literature Review (pages as needed)Methodology (pages as needed)Research Design (Describe and define the research approach or strategy used and how this approach was appropriate for this research)Participants (Describe the sample population (number, gender, age, socio-economics, etc.) including how you obtained permission and consent)Instrumentation (Describe any instruments used to collect data)Procedure (Provide the detail about how you conducted the research)Data Processing and Analysis (Explain, in detail, how you processed and analyzed collected data)SummaryResults (pages as needed)Discussion (pages as needed)Conclusions (pages as needed)References (pages as needed and separate from other pages)(minimum of thirteen (13) peer-reviewed, professional references)Appendices (if applicable) (pages as needed and separate from other pages)
Expert answer:TR Final Project, Topic-The Impact of Salesforce C
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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