Expert answer:This week, you learned that unemployment may be best viewed as a public issue, rather than as a personal or individual problem.Have you, or someone close to you, ever been affected by unemployment?What public issues do you think are involved, and why?2) Your response must address the discussion question and you must also comment on at least one other student’s post.3) Week 10 Instructor Insights RequiredClass, as we move into this weeks topic that focuses on work and economic inequality, we will explore our role as American workers.Have you asked yourself lately–Why do you work? Even in challenging economic times when locating and keeping jobs, regardless of the type: full time, part time or temporary has negatively affected many millions of people in our country. Do we only work to make money? Does working serve other purposes? Do working make us happy? These are commonly asked questions in the world of work, and there are few easy answers, however one thing is for sure, we often have a tendency to work too hard. Please review this week’s I.I. video, provide a brief summary and your personal thoughts.Professor Royal-SmithWatch VideoWorking to Live or Living to Work?User: n/a – Added: 3/16/15YouTube URL:
Expert answer:Unemployment discussion – Week 10
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Humanities | 0 comments
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