Expert answer:Resource: Visualizing GeologyVirtual Field Trip: Research a geologic area of interest anywhere in the world.Select a geologic feature and conduct a virtual fieldtrip. Examples may include caves, lakes, glacial deposits, rock formations, and so on.Prepare a 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you discuss the geologic feature. Include the following:The featureRelevant geologic history of the regionFormation and age of the featureThe role of erosion or weathering on the featureUnique aspects of the geologic feature (such as how has it changed over time, where similar features are found, and so on)IMAGES OF YOUR FIELD TRIP ARE REQUIRED!A questions slide is not considered part of the 7 slide minumum.Your final slide must include your references.Include pictures of the feature (or examples of the feature) and be sure to cite the sources for images consistent with APA guidelines.Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. All work must be in your own words. Copying and pasting information from outside sources and not properly citing is considered plaigarism and will result in a zero.
Expert answer:Virtual Field Trip
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Science | 0 comments
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