Solved by verified expert:Attached are math word problems that I have done before, but I am not getting the right answers.

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1. How many students voted? How many first place votes are needed for a majority?
2. Use the plurality method to find the winner of the election.
3. Use the Borda count method to find the winner of the election.
4. Use the plurality-with-elimination method to find the winner of the election.
5. Use the pairwise-comparisons method to find the winner of the election.
a) Which of the three slices are fair shares to April?
b) Which of the three slices are fair shares to Brandy?
c) Which of the three slices are fair shares to Cindy?
d) Find a fair division of cake using S1, S2, and S3 as fair shares. If this is not possible,
explain why not.
a. Which of the three slices are fair shares to Adam?
b. Which of the three slices are fair shares to Bob?
c. Which of the three slices are fair shares to Chad?
d. Find the fair division of the cake, using s1, s2 and s3 as fair shares. If this is not possible,
explain why not.

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