Expert answer:WebSearch: Financial Goals Use various internet search engines to find articles that pertain to the topics in this section. Compile a list of 10 reputable articles that you would recommend to a friend who was interested about stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Under each article, write a 1-2 sentence synopsis of what the article is about. Project: Retirement Find several articles about retirement. Read the articles, summarize them, and explain what you have learned about retirement from what you have read. Be sure to include information you learned by visiting the various retirement websites. Remember to pick articles that have substance and are from reputable websites. Now it’s time to complete the project. You have three choices: Create a brochure of tips for a person who is worried about having enough money for retirement. You can include account options and other money sources to ensure their retirement will be a comfortable one. Project: Insurance Find 3-5 articles about insurance. Read the articles, summarize them, and explain what you have learned about insurance from what you have read. Be sure to include information you learned by visiting the various insurance websites. Remember to pick articles that have substance and are from reputable websites. Now it’s time to complete the project. You have three choices: Create a brochure of tips for a person who is about to buy insurance for the first time. You can choose the type of insurance they are purchasing and what their needs are. Create a slide presentation on purchasing insurance. Include what a customer should look for, what kind of coverage they should buy, and other tips they should know before buying a policy.
Expert answer:Websearch, Project Retirement, Project Insurance
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Business Finance | 0 comments
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