Solved by verified expert:No plagiarism please, safe assign software will be used!!This is your topic: Eye tracking might help reduce driver drowsinessNon-Academic ItemCompose and submit to the Weeks 8 and 9 Discussion Forum – “Summary and Analysis: Non-Academic” thread a structured post (a structured post has an overall introduction, an overall conclusion, and a developed body that flows well – generally at least a few paragraphs – at least 250 words, not including the question text itself), using your own words. Please include, as well:
An APA/MLA/Chicago, etc. reference for the item – basically, let your professor and your classmates know how to find it if we want to read/watch it.
Why you chose this item.
A brief summary of the main points that the author made in the item.
An analysis of the item. Points to address (all 7 of them): 1) Did the author have a clear purpose for the item? What makes you believe so? 2) Was this purpose accomplished? How? 3) Did the author present compelling evidence to support main points? 4) Does the item have gaps? What sort? 5) Did the author present the information in a way that readers would find appealing? In what way? 6) Is the world a better place for this item being written/given? How? 7) How does this item relate to the real world, either business-wise, or personally? If it doesn’t, state why.
Again, you don’t have to write in a boring and stilted academic style in your summary and analysis – it’s all right (and encouraged!) to write in an engaging style! It’s recommended that you do make a clear distinction between the summary and analysis sections of the paper, if only to remember to address all 7 points of the analysis assignment.