Expert answer:Read through the whole article in this link first: and answer the question in the below document. Answer should be completed, not just single word of the answer.

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Minerals in the Human Context
In this assignment, you will use information found on the internet to investigate the many ways in which we use
mineral resources. All of the links for this assignment can be found within the assignment. This week, please
focus on your critical thinking, writing skills, and grammar. Pay attention to where I ask you to use complete
sentences, or to compare and contrast ideas. Parts of this assignment have been adapted from the work of Ellen
Metzger and Katie Bryant.
Part I. Minerals in Everyday Life
A. Although you may not realize it, many minerals are used in everyday life.
Go to to fill out the table below. Many minerals have a multiple
uses and you don’t need to list them all. For each mineral, list a few primary uses.
* Hint: look under limestone (which is a rock made up of calcite).
B. Minerals and Society
Not only are mineral resources important to the economy but the mining and processing of minerals also have
important social and economic impacts. The questions below address three examples. Please use complete
1. Rare Earth Elements and Green Technology
a. Go this web site to find out about rare earth elements (REEs) and their uses:
1. What are the rare earth elements?
2. Write a brief summary of how REEs are used.
b. Read the article “A Scarcity of Rare Metals Is Hindering Green Technologies”
( )
to answer the questions below. This article was published in 2013. Use complete sentences.
1. Explain the author’s statement that rare earth elements are “scarce thanks to both geology and
2. Although there is a high demand for the rare earth elements, recycling of these metals is not
common. Why? (give at least two reasons).
C. Now read the High Country News article that is available as a PDF in the assignment. This is a more recent
article published in 2015. It’s long, and I am only asking you to read the highlighted sections for this assignment.
Once you’ve read that, answer the following questions. Use complete sentences.
1. Are rare earth elements actually rare, either politically or geologically, at this point in time? Try to
compare what you read in the Yale article with the High Country News article. Write a few sentences.
2. As of August 2015, Molycorp has closed down operations at the Mountain Pass mine. Based on what you
have read in both articles, especially the HCN article, what do you think this means for US efforts to mine
3. Do you think the government should subsidize this type of facility to ensure a domestic supply, or do you
think the global network of mines outside of China, and recycling technology, are sufficient for our
2. Conflict Minerals and Your Cell Phone
Watch this video from PBS :
a. What “conflict minerals” are being mined in the Congo?
What are the social impacts of this mining?
c. The Congo is one of the most mineral-rich countries on Earth, but it is also one of the poorest nations in
the world. Why?

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