Solved by verified expert:Write 10 little activity games on each topic with the following format1. Contests2. Competitive Games3. Non-Competitive Games4. Group Initiatives5. Outdoors/Nature6. Cultural7. Rainy Day Activities8. Special Eventsone page only with the format and will need the reference at the endeach game about one page or 2/3 is fineTotal will be 80 activity games


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Type of activities:
Water games
Name of activities:
Back to back
Age group:
6-16 years of age
Indoor or Outdoor:
Outdoor game

An even team of players(kids)

Several Water balloons

Empty bucket
The team should be divided into two teams with equal number of players. Each
two players from each team pair up to form two teams each with pairs of players. The
two players in the pairs link arms with each other in a back-to-back format.A water
balloon is placed between the two players in each pair. An empty bucket is placed in a
separate spot where the players can access it while linking arms. Each pair is required to
carefully walk to the spot where the bucket is placed and together get the water balloon
into the bucket without popping it. Whether successful or not the pair is should run back
after their trial. Another pair then follows and try their luck until the pairs exhaust. This is
done several times until the water balloons are exhausted. At the end of the game, the pair
with most water balloons in their bucket is the winning pair and the team whose pairs
have the most water balloons in their buckets carries the day.
Type of the Activities:
Activities name:
Age group:
Indoor or Outdoor:
Rules & Details:

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