Expert answer:write about the Korean literature. ( 8pages—10pages) Requirements are in the handout
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You have two options listed below.
A. Select a work of Korean literature (or a collection of short works of Korean literature)
from the period after 1945 comprising at least 100 pages of reading and analyze it as an
expression of the some of the values or institutions of Korean society that have been
discussed in class. Take into account that works of fiction are imaginary, and distinguish
ideals from actual practice, description from satire and so forth. It may help to check
reviews of the works to contextualize what message the author might have. Use the
insight you have gained from readings and lectures, as well as appropriate supplementary
material you feel is appropriate. (Supplementary material can count toward the 100 page
-novels that have been well-translated)
Pak Wan-sŏ
Who ate up all the shinga? An autobiographical novel.
Three days in autumn
The naked tree
A sketch of the fading sun
Ahn Junghyo
Silver Stallion (Korean War), self translated
White Badge (Vietnam War), self translated
Cho Chong-Rae Playing with Fire tr. Chun Kyung-ja (fate of a successful
businessman who participated in a Korean War atrocity)
Hwang Suk-Young The Shadow of Arms (Vietnam War) tr. Chun Kyung-ja
Hwang Sun-won
The Descendents of Cain (north Korean land reform), tr. Suh Ji-moon
The Moving Castle (urban life in the sixties), tr. Fulton
Trees on a Slope (Korean War)
Pak Kyŏng-ni, Land: a novel. Kegan Paul International 1996
Ho-chul Lee Southerners,, Northerners (experience, partly autobiographical, of a
North Korean during the Korean War)
Cho Se-hŭi The Dwarf (“the dark side of South Korea’s ‘economic miracle’”)
-collections of modern short stories (must read a minimum of three)
Fulton, ed. Land of Exile (variety), World of Farewell (women writers)
Holman, ed. Shadows of a Sound (Hwang Sun-wŏn stories)
Peter Lee, ed. Flowers of Fire (variety)
Chun Kyung-ja My Very Last Posession (Pak Wan-sŏ short stories)
B. Select a non-fiction book (or a series of non-fiction chapters or articles on the same
topic) comprising at least 100 pages of reading relating to any aspect of post-1945
Korean society or culture which interests you, and write a critical review, evaluating it in
terms of viewpoint, thesis, and method and showing how the material in the book is
relevant to some topics or concerns mentioned in the course.
Buswell, Robert E. Jr. 1992, The Zen Monastic Experience. Princeton University Press.
Park, Jin Y. (2009) Makers of Modern Korean Buddhism. State University Press of New
Choi, Hyaeweol (2009) Gender and Mission Encounters in Korea: New Women, Old
Ways. University of California Press.
Chong, Kelly H. Deliverance and Submission: Evangelical Women and the Negotiation
of Patriarchy in South Korea.
Lee, Timothy (2010) Born Again: Evangelicalism in Korea. University of Hawaii Press.
Park, Chung-Shin (2003) Protestantism and Politics in Korea. University of Washington
North Korea:
Armstrong (2003) The North Korean Revolution 1945-1950. Cornell University Press.
Demick, Barbara (2009) Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea. Spiegel and
Kim, Suzy (2013) Everyday Life in the North Korean Revolution, 1945-1950. Cornell
University Press
Hassig, Ralph and Kongdan Oh (2009) The Hidden People of North Korea: Everyday
Life in the Hermit Kingdon. Rowman and Littlefield.
Lankov, Andrei (2007) North of the DMZL Essays on Daily Life in North Korea.
McFarland & Co.
Noland, Noland and Stephan Haggard (2007) Famine in North Korea: Markets, Aid, and
Reform. Columbia University Press.
McEachern, Patrick (2010) Inside the Red Box: North Korea’s Post-Totalitarian Politics.
Columbia University Press
Myers, Brian R. (2010) The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themsevles and why
it Matters. Melville House
Ryang, Sonia, ed. (2009) North Korea: Toward a Better Understanding. Lexington
Schwekendiek, Daniel (2011), A Socioeconomic History of North Korea. McFarland &
Kwangju Uprising
Lewis, Linda Laying Claim to the Memories of May.
Shin, Giwook and Kyung Moon Hwang, Contentious Kwangju,
Howard, Keith (1998) Korean Shamanism: Revivals, Survivals, and change. Seoul, RAS
Kendall, Laurel (1985) Shamans, Housewives, and Other Restless Spirits. University of
Hawaii Press.
—— (1988) The Life and Hard Times of a Korean Shaman: Of Tales and Telling of
Tales. University of Hawaii Press.
—— (2009) Shamans, Nostalgias, and the IMF: South Korean Popular Religion in
Motion. University of Hawaii Press.
Seo, Maria (2002) Hanyang Kut: Korean Shaman Ritual Music from Korea. Routledge
Walraven, Boudewijn (1994) Songs of the Shaman: The Ritual Changes of the Korean
Mudang. Kegan Paul International.
South Korean Economic Society
Clifford, Mark Troubled Tiger
Janelli, Roger Making Capitalism Stanford Press.
Kim, Choong Soon, The Culture of Korean Industry.
Nam, Hwasook (2010) Building Ships, Building a Nation: Korea’s Democratic Unionism
under Park Chung Hee. University of Washington Press.
South Korea Family and Ethnography:
Abelmann, Nancy (1996) Echoes of the Past, Epics of Dissent: A South Korean Social
Movement. University of California Press.
——– (2003) The Melodrama of Mobility: Women, Talk, and Class in Contemporary
South Korea. University of Hawaii Press.
Kendall, Laurel (1996) Getting Married in Korea: of Gender Morality, and Modernity.
University of California Press
Nelson, Laura (2000) Measured Excess: Status, Gender and Consumer Nationalism in
South Korea. Columbia University Press.
Prendergast, David (2005) From Elder to Ancestor: Old Age, Death and Inheritance in
Modern Korea. Global Oriental.
Seth, Michael (2002) Education Fever: Society, Politics, and the Pursuit of Schooling in
South Korea. University of Hawaii Press.
List at the top of your paper the readings upon which your paper is based. Spend no more
than one-third of your paper in a description of the most important content of your readings.
Devote most of your paper to discussing the relationship of what you read to the concepts and
institutions discussed in the course lecture and other readings. Try to attain a clear and unified
point of view in your paper with a thesis followed by paragraphs which argue for this thesis.
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