Solved by verified expert:Please use:Use ONLY a Microsoft Word Document -OR- a Google Document.EACH question above must be re-stated in your paper, with your answer following the question. You will have 5 questions stated in your paper with 5 individual answers.EACH answer is a minimum of 100 words; 150 words maximum.DO NOT copypaste, use your critical thoughts and unique words to explain what YOU THINK ABOUT THE TOPICS.Your 5 answers will be 500 to 750 words total. Questions are NOT included in your word count.Use proper English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.Be sure to use your in-text citation(s) and the full reference. Answer the following questions: Describe culture and explain the significance of both national culture and subcultures.Identify the components of culture and describe their impact on international business.Describe cultural change and explain how companies and culture affect each other.Explain how the physical environment and technology influence culture.Describe the two main frameworks used to classify cultures and explain their practical use.
Expert answer:Writing Assignment 2
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Writing | 0 comments
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