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Production plan
As the class begins at 1:40, there will be a BOH group meeting in the
kitchen. The meeting is an orientation of the production plan, floor plan,
menu, recipes and plate presentation. And also, before the meeting, the
uniform will be checked. After that, each BOH team member will start to
set up their own station. Eric will set up his station near the hand out
station. Jeremy’s station will be closed to the coffee machine. Joe will
work on the wooden table. And Xiao’s prep station is next to Joe’s.
Savannah has to set up the three bay sinks firstly, turn on the dish
washer and prepare the sanitation buckets for each station. Joe has to
preheat the oven to 375 degrees. The others are going to grab all the
plates for the menu dishes and send them to Savannah so that she can presanitize. All the station should be set up before 2:10. Then Eric has to
check the chicken thighs to make sure they are completely thawed. After
that he should start prep rice. Jeremy is going to start with toasting
sesame seed and prep the ingredients of candied nuts. Meanwhile Xiao will
start prep the vegetables for the Udon noodles. Joe should start prep
ingredients of lace cookie and put it into the oven. Sesame seeds should
be toasted before putting lace cookie into the oven. Lace cookie should
be done by 2:25 and the rice should be started before that time. All the
dishes will be pre-sanitized and stored properly by 2.25. At 2:25, Xiao
should finish cutting and start to stir fry all the vegetables for Udon.
Eric will be trimming chicken thighs and have eggs boiled at the same
time. And Joe will take out the cooked lace cookie and let them cool down
as well as cutting strawberries. By 2:40, candied nuts should be done and
kept at room temperature waiting for portioning. Jeremy will continue to
prep salad greens. Chicken should be trimmed, seasoned and kept in the
fridge. Eric will start to prep egg salad. Xiao will finish cook vegetables
and start to prep Udon sauce. And Joe should finish cutting strawberry
and start prep whipped cream. At 2:55, Jeremy will finish cutting salad
greens and start prep salad dressing. Eric will toss the cooked rice and
continue working on egg salad. Xiao will continue working on Udon sauce
and also bring a large pot of water to boil. Executive chef will start
prep cucumber salad. By 3:10, whipped cream as well as salad dressing
should be done and kept in the fridge. Xiao will finish Udon sauce and
start to cook Udon noodles in boiling water. Eric is going to heat the
oil in deep fryer and prep batters and then start to prep nanban sauce.
Joe will start to gather the ingredients of custard and start to cook at
3:25. Jeremy will start toss the salad greens with sesame dressing. Udon
noodles should be cooked and soaked in cold water. By 3:25 the nanban
sauce should be boiled and kept at room temperature. After that Eric will
set up the deep-frying station. Joe will be working on making custard. At
3:40, Jeremy will be working on portioning and plating salad and amuse.
Xiao is going to stir fry the noodles. And Eric will start to deep fry
chicken thighs. Joe should still work on the custard. Cucumber salad
should be done at this time. During the preparation, executive chef will
check with everyone so that the production is following the timeline. And
also tasting the production as well as demo as need.
By 4:00, salad should be plated and ready to be served. Amuse will be
served with menu. Executive chef will be at the hand out station waiting
for the tickets. Jeremy will start to break down his station and then
help savannah on dishes for the rest of the day. Xiao should finish stir
frying and take the bowls out from the warmer. Custard will be done by
4:00 and Joe should pull out the dishes for dessert as well as the
garnishes. At 4:05 all chicken thighs should be fried and rest on the
wire rack. Eric start to portion and plating. Salad will be served. Xiao
starts to portioning noodles and noodles will be served at 4:15. After
that he can start to break down his station and start closing stove. And
all the chicken thighs will be portioned and plated by 4:30 as well as
the dessert. Chicken thigh will be served at 4:30 and dessert will be
served at 4:45. All the extra food will be saved and placed on the wooden
table for family meal. After finishing all the production, Eric and Joe
will start to break down their stations and start their assigned closing
tasks. (Eric closes deep fryer and stove, Joe organizes small wares and
takes out the trash). Executive chef should stay at the hand out station
until the last dish is served. After that executive chef will start to
break down hand out station and check the sanitation log as well as
temperature log. Everyone should start closing by 5:00. During the whole
production day, sanitation person(People) should wash the dishes in time
and test the sanitizer frequently.
All the equipment should be closed, and all the small wares need to
be organized by 5:30. Sanitation people have to finish dishes before 5:30
and start to dry sinks and close dish water. Joe has to take out the trash
before 5:45. Executive chef start to check off the closing list at 5:30
to make sure everything is closed properly. Everyone leaves the kitchen
at 5:45.
Production Timeline
roduction Timeline
arrive in proper uniform. BOH group meeting.
set up own stations. Prepare plates for dishes.
prep apps. Start peeling shrimp and making dressing and roast vegetables for pasta.
start making green pea soup and crème burlee.
App is done and kept it in fridge. Prepare salad, start cutting vegetables.
Cutting chicken and make sauce for fried chicken.
Making miso Pesto for Pasta( Make sure not turning dark).
Portioning and plating salad and deep fried shrimp for app.
Start frying chicken and make sure the sauce for chicken is rready to serve.
Apps and salad are ready to be served
Portioning and plating soup.
Chicken is done and placed on racks. Portioning and plating.
Portioning and plating pasta( if there is order)
Plating creme burlee
Main course should be ready for service
Dessert should be ready to serve
Closing and cleaning, Thank you for your hard work and have a great day!
Equipment Schedule
9:20 BOH group meeting
Three bay sinks are set up. 21 small plate for apps. 21 small cup and 21 salad
plate for soup and salad. 21 pasta bowl for roast vegetable pasta. 21 white
plates for chicken. 21 small cup for dessert.
9:50 Check all the working area and deep fryer
10:05 all the plates should be sanitized and kept in warmer or cooling areas.
10:50 prep deep fryer for frying chicken. Spoon and serving utensils are prepared for plating and portioning
11:05 21 small plate for apps are placed on a sheet pan for portioning.
11:20 21 small cup for soup are placed on a sheet pan for portioning.
11:35 21 small salad plate for soup are placed on a sheet pan for portioning.
21 pasta bowl are placed on sheet pans for portioning. 21 white plates are
11:50 placed on the sheet pan for portioning.
21 small cup forcreme brulee.
12:35 Start to clean all the equipment.
prepared for plating and portioning.
Production Timeline—-Roy Chen (Executive chef)
roduction Timeline—-Roy Chen (Executive chef)
arrive in proper uniform.
figuring out the proper plates for the menu
check sanitation log and fridge temperature
check the deep fryer.
check apps and make sure it prepare in a right methods.
check salad and soup.
check the salad dressing, sauce for chicken.
check the chichen and pasta.
demo plating and check dessert.
organization of tickets. Send amuse out for service.
send apps out for service
send soup out for service
send chicken out for service
send dessert out for service
break down hand out station and closing
Thank you for your hard work and have a nice day!
Production Timeline—-Yoonjee (Sous chef)
roduction Timeline—-Yoonjee (Sous chef)
arrive in proper uniform.
figuring out the proper plates for the menu
Butcher chicken for later use.
Making Korean chill sauce and beer cheese sauce.
cutting bread into pieces and prepare spice.
Make sure Korean chill sauce and beer cheese sauce is done.
Seasoning the chicken prepare for deep fry.
place the spiced toast into sheet pan, ready for bake.
Make sure all the prep work is done.( make sure the deep fryer is set up).
prepare plate for chicken.
Warm up the sauce for chicken.
deep fry the chicken, and portioning and plating
send chicken out for service
Make sure all the tickets is done.
break down hand out station and closing
Thank you for your hard work and have a great day!

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