Expert answer:In this assignment you will describe the topic on which you wrote your synthesis essay ( the synthesis essay that i wrote was on climate changes and global warning).
You will then state what gaps you found in the research on your topic, areas in which further research
might be appropriate on the topic, or any questions have opened up for you or remained unanswered as a
result of having researched this topic.This paper will be approximately 500-750 words.
APA format.Organization of the Paper
Introductory paragraph:
In this paragraph, you will explain the topic which you researched. The final sentence will be a thesis statement
arguing for further research in specific areas.
Body section of 2-3 paragraphs:
This section would describe any one of, or a combination of, the following. You would want at least two areas in
which you felt there were gaps, needs for further research, or new or unanswered questions as a result of your
-gaps you saw in the research
For example, let us imagine you wrote a literature review on the effectiveness of one-on-one laptop programs in
high schools. You may have noticed that little research has been done on how non-native speakers of English
respond to one-on-one laptop programs. No studies analyzed the effects of such programs on the writing, reading,
and critical thinking development of non-native speakers of English. This could be a gap in the research that you
would point out in your paper.
-areas in which further research could be conducted that would shed more light on an issue
For example, let us imagine you wrote a literature review on the effectiveness of one-on-one laptop programs in
high schools. You may have noticed that research has been conducted on the impact of such programs on the
writing skills of non-native speakers of English. However, the studies did not focus on particular language
groups. You feel that further study specifically on Chinese speakers and further study specifically on Spanish
speakers is warranted. This could be an example of an area in which further research would be warranted that
you would point out in your paper.
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WRTG 391
Final Project
Statement of Research Gaps or Unanswered Questions
The final project for WRTG 391 will be a statement of research gaps or unanswered questions.
In this assignment you will describe the topic on which you wrote your synthesis essay, or literature review.
You will then state what gaps you found in the research on your topic, areas in which further research
might be appropriate on the topic, or any questions have opened up for you or remained unanswered as a
result of having researched this topic.
This paper will be approximately 500-750 words.
Organization of the Paper
Introductory paragraph:
In this paragraph, you will explain the topic which you researched. The final sentence will be a thesis statement
arguing for further research in specific areas.
Body section of 2-3 paragraphs:
This section would describe any one of, or a combination of, the following. You would want at least two areas in
which you felt there were gaps, needs for further research, or new or unanswered questions as a result of your
-gaps you saw in the research
For example, let us imagine you wrote a literature review on the effectiveness of one-on-one laptop programs in
high schools. You may have noticed that little research has been done on how non-native speakers of English
respond to one-on-one laptop programs. No studies analyzed the effects of such programs on the writing, reading,
and critical thinking development of non-native speakers of English. This could be a gap in the research that you
would point out in your paper.
-areas in which further research could be conducted that would shed more light on an issue
For example, let us imagine you wrote a literature review on the effectiveness of one-on-one laptop programs in
high schools. You may have noticed that research has been conducted on the impact of such programs on the
writing skills of non-native speakers of English. However, the studies did not focus on particular language
groups. You feel that further study specifically on Chinese speakers and further study specifically on Spanish
speakers is warranted. This could be an example of an area in which further research would be warranted that
you would point out in your paper.
-questions that remained unanswered for you or new questions that opened up for you as you read the
current literature on your topic
For example, let us imagine you wrote a literature review on the effectiveness of one-on-one laptop programs in
high schools. You noticed that, as you were reading through the literature, you had questions on how schools
determined what types of laptops to purchase. Did they purchase Hewlett-Packards computers, Dell computers,
Toshiba computers, Acer computers, or computers from some other vendor? You found yourself wondering how
business decisions with vendors are made when implementing a one-on-one laptop program. This could be an
example of a question that opened up for you as you read through the literature. You could note this question in
your paper.
In one paragraph, summarize your points in the body section. Re-state and succinctly explain any gaps, areas of
further research, or unanswered questions.
Rubric Name: Niches and gaps rubric — Summer 2017
500-750 words 400-499 words 300-399 words
the essay meets the word count
5 points
requirement given in the instructions
Grammar and punctuation
4 points
3 points
200-299 words
2 points
needs improvement
the paper demonstrates sentencelevel accuracy
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
the paper demonstrates word-level
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
the paper demonstrates accuracy in
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
Introduction to the essay
The introduction to the essay leads
the reader into the thesis
5 points
The thesis statement clearly
15 points
articulates the gaps, needs for further
research, or que1tions
Body of the essay
The body of the essay shows at least
two areas of gaps, needs for further 15 points
research, or new or unanswered
The body of the essay features clear 10 points
paragraphs with topic sentences
The body of the essay draws upon
30 points
the work of WA#3 in demonstrating
the gaps, needs, or questions
The essay concludes the synthesis in 5 points
appropriate fashion
Overall Score
90 or more
needs improvement
4 points
3 points
2 points
12 points
10.5 points
9 points
needs improvement
12 points
10.5 points
9 points
8 points
7 points
6 points
24 points
21 points
18 points
4 points
80 or more
3 points
70 or more
needs improvement
2 points
needs improvement
60 or more
Global Warming
Though it is not directly related to my major, climate change is very relevant to the world
today. As a result, my personal interest toward this topic has been steadily increasing. Global
Climate Change appears to be, thus far, the most overbearing challenge that could have been placed
upon humanity. To properly resolve this issue or, at best, attempt to mitigate it, it is necessary to
understand its effects and consequences. It is also necessary to understand the human aspect of
this phenomenon; specifically, the human inability to properly act against this phenomenon.
Though humans tend to believe that there is a dichotomous reaction to danger, either to fight or to
flight, human beings haven shown that there is another way to react when it comes to climate
change: Inaction. Treaties have been made and legislation has been passed, yet there are
fundamental, underlying issues that dare not be addressed. This inability to react, in particular, has
always been the most fascinating aspect about this natural process. The human population has been
made aware that drastic changes are required to properly stand up to this danger, but it has instead
chosen take baby step. For this paper, I wanted to analyze the literature that surrounds the human
reaction to climate change. There are three areas that have to be covered: scientific, economic and
The sources that were available for this topic were many. There is an extensive amount of
literature for this particular issue, which makes it difficult to narrow down on the most appropriate
sources. The ones selected for this Annotated Bibliography will be divided into the three categories
mentioned above, so as to cover the most relevant information about this particular approach to
the topic. Some sources are categorized within specific categories, though they tend to be
multidisciplinary; the articles that cover more than one topic are a combination of the three main
categories provided. The first category, science, provides scientific information about the topic.
This section is meant to provide an overview about the data that is relevant to human development.
The second section, politics, covers the political response to climate change and its advantages and
disadvantages. This section analyzes both the legislation process and the political response to
climate change. The third and final section, economics, provides some context about the
relationship between humanity’s current economic model and the climatic process. It most focuses
on global capitalism, due to it being the most prominent system in place.
Oreskes provides very basic information about the climate change, while at the same time
ascertaining that there is a global, scientific consensus on the issue. Beyond explaining the
relationship between human activity and the process of climatic change, the article’s main focus
is the undeniable amount of evidence that supports this explanation. A result of the criticism that
the science behind climate change has received — most of which claim that the science is faulty -the article explains that there is no doubt that this process is taken place. This article is relevant for
this paper because it provides the scientific context necessary to understand the need for an
immediate response.
In this article, the authors analyze the economic development of the BRIC nations — Brazil,
Russia, India and China — within the last ten years. Specifically, it measures the changes in the
emission of greenhouse gases since their economic expansion began. Though these nations are
adherents to international protocols, the increase in emissions and the effects that they have on the
environment are detrimental to the purpose of the treaties. The paper also analyzes the methods of
production that are utilized to guide the countries’ growth and their effects on the natural resources.
This analysis provides some insight into sustainable and unsustainable behaviors, which are
imperative for providing data that could motivate change.
The different ways in which the political coverage of the United States can affect the
discourse that should follow climate change. The article focuses mostly on the media coverage
given by elite institutions and leaves out those that do not carry its prestige. The authors argue that
the way in which the information is presented moves away from scientific discourse and into
popular discourse. Instead of providing a scientifically-based coverage, that shows the truth about
the human-driven climate change, it ends up providing a faulty coverage that moves the focus
away from the human factor. This article will be important for my paper because it shows how the
media affects the scientific understanding of this process, which, at the same time, affects the
political actions taken against it.
In this article, McMichael presents some potentially adverse effects that global warming
could have on human population. Though one expects that there will be natural disasters as a result
of climate change, the possibility of epidemics is rarely considered. Some diseases, though, would
thrive in the conditions that would be brought by the changes in temperature. For this paper, this
information would serve as a good background from which to build a sense of urgency, as it
touches upon a possibility that is as dreadful as it is ignored. Though, it might open the scope of
the scientific basis a bit too much. Other, more visible side effects, could be considered instead.
The authors explore the different ways in which nations have reacted to climate change in
the European Union. It compares the different strategies that have been put in place by the
individual nations; specifically, it compares the political response in different states within the
Union. It also provides some background of the political presentation of climate change in the
region, which is drastically different from what has been seen in the United States. For this paper,
this article is important because it analyzes the effectiveness of the strategies presented, based on
their ability to positively influence the efforts to fight climate change. It would serve, then, to show
which strategies might be best to employ and which ones to discard.
The analysis of political alienations and the passing of legislation meant to target climate
change. The study shows that there are several factors that regulate the passing of laws that are
meant to regulate practices for the benefit of the environment. Amongst them, economic
relationships and interests can provide the most significant leverage when it comes to this type of
decision making. At the same time, the article shows that political leanings do not have an effect
on the passing of climate change legislation. This article is important because it provides one
explanation to the question of inaction. With the many scientific evidence found in favor of climate
change, other factors tend to be more pressing when it comes to passing legislation.
In this article, Goulder and Schein explore the efficiency of two significantly different
forms of legislation passed to fight climate change. On the one hand, there is the cap-and-trade
system, which allots a certain amount of allowed emissions for a particular form of pollution.
These allotments are then granted to companies and, under this form, they can be traded between
one another depending on the needs of each. On the other hand, carbon taxes have also been
employed, which regulate emissions by charging a tax to those who go above a certain limit,
regardless of their need. Both of these strategies, though, are based on financial punishment, which
shows the intrinsic relationship between climate change legislation and economics.
The American public has had towards the idea of climate change. In the United States,
political allegiances tend to affect the perception of climate change. Leftwing and rightwing
political parties tend to be divided when it comes to climate change; conservatives tend to oppose
legislation and more liberal tendencies tend to support environmentalist progress. In other areas of
the world, this is not a division that can be seen. The cultural and political nuances that drive this
division are documented throughout the article. For my paper, this article can provide some
information about the motivations of people for accepting or rejecting environmental legislation.
In this article, the authors examine the way in which the environment reacts to the processes
of production that are imposed upon it. Based on a Marxist theory, the authors analyze the impact
of economic production on the natural resources of the planet. Though its focus is to point out the
flaws in the capitalist method of production, it also provides some insights about the degradation
of the Earth and the limits to which the planet can be pushed. For this paper, this article would
play a very vital part, as it explains the way in which economics can directly affect the
This article, which combines an economic and geographic analysis of climate change,
focuses on the importance for a transdisciplinary approach to climate change. It explores the way
the current understanding of climate change limits the efforts to combat it. At the same time, it
also covers the way in which capitalism, the current method of economic production in the world,
affects the environment. It presents the possibility that humanity’s current methods of production
are contributing to the acceleration of climate change. The drive to collect capital exploits natural
resources in a way that is inherently detrimental to the planet. Wainwright urges for an
understanding of climate change that includes both the scientific data of the natural changes and
the economic environment that allows them to take place.
In this article, the author focuses on the different ways in which markets affect and react to
climate change policies. Because environmental legislation can have a financial toll on certain
industries, some companies have opposed such policies from being enacted. International treaties
are created with the intent of lowering the effects of the global industries on climate change, they
have not proven to be successful in regulating emissions. Even though there is a financial
punishment to those who do not comply, there is too much of a reward that the risk can be taken.
It confronts the idea that these policies are successful. For my paper, this article is useful because
it shows how current policies are not sufficient to deter climate change in a significant manner.
One of the most famous articles written about the relationship between economics and
climate change, the Stern Review presents some changes that could be made to mitigate its effects.
Just like economic growth can affect the development of climate change, the steps taken to mitigate
this will also have an effect on economies. Limiting emissions will also limit production, which in
turn would limit profits. Still, these changes are necessary, as it would be impossible to mitigate
or prevent an increase in the global temperature without them. For my paper, this information is
important as it provides concrete data along with its recommendations for change. It also
highlights, like other sources within this section, the union between climate change and economic
To conclude, there are a lot of sources that can be included in a paper that focuses on the
current failures of the environmental actions taken against climate change. It is a broad subject,
but I do expect to narrow it down. The scientific sources serve to provide a background of the
information. One of them, which combines politics and science, will be used to transition into the
political frame. When it comes to politics, two topics will be covered. On one hand, state actions
will be analyzed, like legislation and policies, to measure their efficiency and understand the
reasoning for their decisions. Finally, the economics section provides a direct connection between
our current method of production and climate change. This transition takes place due to the
recurrent mentions of financial interests affecting political choices. It analyzes the need for a more
sustainable system, which might require a restructuring of our current economic paradigm.
Oreskes, N. “BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change.”
Science, vol. 306, no. 5702, Mar. 2004, pp. 1686–1686., doi:10.1126/science.1103618.
Storm, S. (2009), Capitalism and Climate Change: Can the Invisible Hand Adjust the Natural
Thermostat?. Development and Change, 40: 1011–1038. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7660.2009.01610.x
Wainwright, J. (2010). Climate Change, Capitalism, and the Challenge of Transdisciplinarity.
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(4), 983-991. Retrieved from
Clark, B., & York, R. (2005). Carbon metabolism: Global capitalism, climate change, and the
biospheric rift. Theory and Society, 34(4), 391-428. doi:10.1007/s11186-005-1993-4
Goulder, Lawrence H., and Andrew R. Schein. “Carbon Taxes Versus Cap And Trade: A Critical
Review.” Climate Change Economics, vol. 04, no. 03, 2013, p. 1350010.,
Oreskes, N. “BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change.”
Science, vol. 306, no. 5702, Mar. 2004, pp. 1686–1686., doi:10.1126/science.1103618.
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